This is my character, took me quiet a while, but she'z gonna be an elf Archer xD
Good looking Wood Elf Maddy21!
I usually spend about 20 - 30 minutes working on a new character's face at the start of a game. Then as I am playing I often go back and make adjustments, for at least another ten minutes worth of fiddling. I also sometimes download other characters to use their faces, but even with those I always spend about 10 - 20 minutes changing them. is all mine, and like Aoywn, my second character as well. I was still learning a lot about using the sliders then. is all mine. I was really happy with how she turned out. Especially after I changed her hair from to is all mine. I had gotten the knack of it by her. was my first High Elf. She took a lot of work to get right. was all mine, and had little adjustments from the base settings. I wanted a "girl next door" sort of look with her. is a download, and only needed a few adjustments as well. started as a download, but of course I tweaked her a lot.