Custom Decor and Defense (ideas)

Post » Fri Feb 26, 2016 6:04 pm

I am not as cool as the PC gamers out there (though I wish that I was), so please excuse my limited resources for "fixing" fallout 4 through mods. I game on the xbox platform and would like to throw a few ideas out there...


A fairly useless item in the game, even as far as "scrapping" goes. But I am a collector and Bethesda has always captivated me with random "world items" and their potential. That being said, I recommend that (even as an added "workshop" item) DESKTOP PORTRAITS be customizable with "gamesave" pictures. Sometimes the picture that is displayed next to a gamesave is worth keeping. For many reasons (bodies exploding, supermutant looks like its petting Dogmeat, ferral hound looks like it is pooping blood, etc.) these pictures that are captured with the gamesave(s) can prove to be "moments to remember". What better way to cature and display these "moments" that by fully utilising the "DESKTOP PORTRAIT". Especially because (on xbox) when you find and collect a DESKTOP PORTRAIT in the "open world", the picture that was originally on the PORTRAIT-disappears when you try to display it again.


Ok, it's obvious that some good values in creativity and in-game cutimiztion were adopted from games like "Minecraft", so let's have it meet it's potential... CUSTOM SIGNS would be nice. The kind that you can "write" (type) on. So that when you are finishing making the "bathroom area" in your settlement, you can post the necessary message; "We aim to please. YOU aim too, PLEASE!" Also helpful in claiming personal items... "Touch this and you DIE!" CUSTOM SIGNS just seem to make sense.


Alright this one is kinda stupid, I admit. Lighting would be better if it had more comfort/ambiance options (I mean, you did include a strobe and a disco light...). ROPE LIGHTS, X-MAS (style) LIGHTS (x-mas style NUKA COLA LIGHTS?), lava lamp (like I said, kinda stupid), even some STREET LAMP style lights would make settlements look a bit more cool.


Turrets and traps are cool and all, but what's the deal with not having more customizable/upgrade options? Laser turrets but no PLASMA TURRETS. Tesla's Coil Trap but no SPIKED (tripwire) BATTERING RAM TRAP. Light Machine Gun Turrets but no (tripwire) PIE TO THE FACE TRAP (just kidding). Having more options for defense would add to the credibility of the "settlement defense" idea.

That's all I got for now, other than the obvious; more new weapons, more mission based dlc, etc...
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Shelby McDonald
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