[ Motivation behind this question: For part of my character development and game play enhancement WIP, I've developed a script that makes on-use enchanted items have enchant skill and item charge cost based chance of success (same base formula as spell casting) utilizing Merzasphor's new MWSE xGetMagic, xGetEffectInfo, xSetEffectInfo, xGetEnchant and xSetEnchant functions. The implementation is to continuously re-'roll' the chance of success check for readied enchanted items every frame and on failure to change the item's Effect Info into dummy values, currently using 'weakness to normal weapons' on self with magnitude and duration 1. The original magic item effects are restored in menu-mode and when the item is un-readied. Item use successes grant enchant skill progress inversely proportional to the chance of success while failures give no skill progress at all utilizing Merzasphor's new xGetProgressSkill and xSetProgressSkill functions. This seems to be working as intended, except.. ]
I'd like to selectively replace the 'weakness to normal weapons' 'destruction cast' sound to something like 'spell failure destruction'. The simplest way I can think of to do it could be using stopsound/startsound but that wouldn't work with a mod that changes the 'weakness to normal weapons' effect cast sound. Another option could be to edit the 'weakness to normal weapons' casting effect sound directly, but that would conflict with any other mod modifying or using this magic effect for some other purpose.
Any advice or alternative implementation idea?