usually for vampire/beast forms used racecompatibility.esm and scritps for it
i found some post on nexus about other/simple/wrong way:
For those of you who are interested, I have finished making my mod compatible with Dawnguard, my custom races can feed and transform into a Vampire Lord.
To do so with any custom race you have to find your actual races name in the Creation Kit and make sure it has a Vampire race as well. (i.e. BretonRace and BretonRaceVampire).
Amend the playervampirequest script in three locations to include the new races. There are three race checks which need amended by including the custom races.
To make your custom races capable of turning into werewolves, modify the companionhousekeeping script in two locations, where race checks occur. Beast Form should then work properly.
It is simply a matter of following the format of the original code and adding the missing information.
To do so with any custom race you have to find your actual races name in the Creation Kit and make sure it has a Vampire race as well. (i.e. BretonRace and BretonRaceVampire).
Amend the playervampirequest script in three locations to include the new races. There are three race checks which need amended by including the custom races.
To make your custom races capable of turning into werewolves, modify the companionhousekeeping script in two locations, where race checks occur. Beast Form should then work properly.
It is simply a matter of following the format of the original code and adding the missing information.
as i said i need only werewolf form, so i looked into companionhousekeeping.psc and found that this race check used only here :
PlayerOriginalRace = Game.GetPlayer().GetRace(); Debug.Trace("CSQ: Storing player's race as " + PlayerOriginalRace) if (PlayerOriginalRace == ArgonianRaceVampire); Debug.Trace("CSQ: Player was Argonian Vampire; storing as Argonian.") PlayerOriginalRace = ArgonianRace elseif (PlayerOriginalRace == BretonRaceVampire); Debug.Trace("CSQ: Player was Breton Vampire; storing as Breton.") PlayerOriginalRace = BretonRace elseif (PlayerOriginalRace == DarkElfRaceVampire); Debug.Trace("CSQ: Player was Dark Elf Vampire; storing as Dark Elf.") PlayerOriginalRace = DarkElfRace elseif (PlayerOriginalRace == HighElfRaceVampire); Debug.Trace("CSQ: Player was High Elf Vampire; storing as High Elf.") PlayerOriginalRace = HighElfRace elseif (PlayerOriginalRace == ImperialRaceVampire); Debug.Trace("CSQ: Player was Imperial Vampire; storing as Imperial.") PlayerOriginalRace = ImperialRace elseif (PlayerOriginalRace == KhajiitRaceVampire); Debug.Trace("CSQ: Player was Khajiit Vampire; storing as Khajiit.") PlayerOriginalRace = KhajiitRace elseif (PlayerOriginalRace == NordRaceVampire); Debug.Trace("CSQ: Player was Nord Vampire; storing as Nord.") PlayerOriginalRace = NordRace elseif (PlayerOriginalRace == OrcRaceVampire); Debug.Trace("CSQ: Player was Orc Vampire; storing as Orc.") PlayerOriginalRace = OrcRace elseif (PlayerOriginalRace == RedguardRaceVampire); Debug.Trace("CSQ: Player was Redguard Vampire; storing as Redguard.") PlayerOriginalRace = RedguardRace elseif (PlayerOriginalRace == WoodElfRaceVampire); Debug.Trace("CSQ: Player was Wood Elf Vampire; storing as Wood Elf.") PlayerOriginalRace = WoodElfRace endifso its check if current race is vampire form, but my custom race havent this form and will never use
so here questions:
1)if this check present, thats mean that player able to be werewolf and vampire?
2)if i dont need vampire form, i still need race variable in companionhousekeeping script?
Race Property ArgonianRace autoRace Property ArgonianRaceVampire autoRace Property BretonRace autoRace Property BretonRaceVampire autoRace Property DarkElfRace autoRace Property DarkElfRaceVampire autoRace Property HighElfRace autoRace Property HighElfRaceVampire autoRace Property ImperialRace autoRace Property ImperialRaceVampire autoRace Property KhajiitRace autoRace Property KhajiitRaceVampire autoRace Property NordRace autoRace Property NordRaceVampire autoRace Property OrcRace autoRace Property OrcRaceVampire autoRace Property RedguardRace autoRace Property RedguardRaceVampire autoRace Property WoodElfRace autoRace Property WoodElfRaceVampire autoRace Property MYSUbichce auto
3)if yes, this property used somewhere outside this script?
4)if i dont need to have race property of my race in this script, i am able to play as werewolf with my custom race and without modifiyng vanilla scripts and without using thing like racecompatibility.esm?