If it's not to much trouble could you please show me how to do that...?

I wish I could, but I don't currently have it installed. I had it on an old PC, but the computer I have now has Vista (to my constant sorrow) and I remember some people having difficulty running Wyre Bash (or at least the latest ver) on Vista. I could be wrong about that, though. :shrug:
I know it is supposed to have a feature to copy a face from a save to a mod file, though. Not sure how that works, but I know it's been discussed before.
That is the one I'm using! Used it for the longest time to, then recently, I load the game with the face i want and then as soon as i hit the inventory button, the game just freezes and i cant do anything!
Weird. It worked last time I tried. In fact, I used the face import feature in my current save. Which means, I may have just imported the facegen face I had made into my (custom race) save. I
have used it to copy from an existing save file, though. If you use a custom race, you also have to give it the exact name of the custom race and select the mod file that contains the race. I'm guessing you've gotten that far, though. The only other thing I can think of, is it was highly stressed that you make sure the Race is the same on the game you are copying
to as the race you are copying
- Start with old save A with race X (assuming you've been playing your custom race mod on a previous save successfully)
- Start new game B with custom race mod, selecting custom race X.
- finish setting up your character how you want him/her besides designing face - *if you use custom hair mods, you might want to wait until last step to set modded hair.
- Save game on file B and exit OB.
- *Make backups of your save files*
- Load up Oblivion Face Exchange - first make sure you have latest version 1.3.10 That's the version that's working for me, anyway.
- Select Old save A, click on Copy Face to Clipboard. Read stuff and Click "OK"
- Select New save B, select Edit Save and then Paste Face From Clipboard.
- Check over other options, like hair, etc., not sure what all is here b/c I haven't used it in awhile, then exit
- Load up Oblivion and load up game B, check to see if face copied correctly (should have worked okay) - fix hair and any last minute options.
If that doesn't work, I guess you're stuck with Wyre Bash (which is a very versatile program) but someone else will have to help you with that.