I am trying to make a target that resets or activates on being shot. I started using a dinner plate that disables on being shot, and that works fine. My problem is trying to get the plate to reappear(enable) after about 10 seconds. After messing around trying diff things, I thought I could just use a light fixture that turns on or off when hit. Nothing I have done works. I had plans on posting one of the scripts I tried but I have tried so many things and tried them approaching this problem from many different angles, but nothing seems to work. The only thing I have gotten to work is that I can get the dinner plate to dissapear(disable) on being shot.
My original idea was to have a timer on the plate that makes it reapear after ten seconds.
I tried using a switch to reset the target(s).
Thought about using a terminal as well, but I cant get anything to work properly.
I had thought this would be a simple script I could add to a dinner plate. But I am no expert on scripts(tho I have had some complicated ones in the past work fine), and I have no real world expereince outside of fallout modding which I have learned completely on my own with trial and error and breaking down other scripts trying to learn thier secrets.
Any hints/advice would be greatly appreciated.