I was having some fun with photoshop creating a Skyrim game cover. I wonder how Bethesda will have the final game cover look like, but I thought it would be fun to see some covers from the members of the forum.
Here's the final product...
And here's another that I found online...
Feel free to post any of your creations.
I like the design on the back of the second one, but it's bulletpoints are awful. "Never get confused on where you are!"
Distinct locations?
Naww, now that's something totally worth buying the game for! You know, every time I play any video game, I never have any clue where I am. What some enterprising company should do is make a game where the environments are distinct from one another!
This is directly referencing a complaint from Oblivion, a big no-no on promoting a game.You don't talk about what makes it better than the previous games in it's series, you talk about what sets it apart from competition. This definitely doesn't do that. In fact, so is the second one!
Whoever made that needs to learn to make better bulletpoints.