Custom voice and Hearthfire Marriage issues

Post » Thu May 30, 2013 10:32 pm

I’m in the process of creating a custom voiced follower, attempting to include as much functionality as possible – maybe not the smartest thing to attempt for someone new to the CK!

But anyway...

Everything works great other than compatibility with Hearthfire’s additions, specifically the new player homes and the marriage options relating to them (I’ve tried searching but with limited luck).

I have duplicated the infos relating to the new locations (such as the house in the Pale, etc) featured in the MarriageFin-Quest-thingie but it appears that the script content does not copy over...

Therefore, I have copied the script contents from the infos that I have duplicated but the ”move to..” options in game still don’t show the Hearthfire homes.

I must be doing something wrong or missing something at this point.

So, this is a plea for help, if anyone knows which file(s) need to be duplicated/changed to make this happen I’d be very grateful.

In addition, as I have both Hearthfire and Skyrim as masterfiles I am seeing two infos relating to the same function, e.g. “we could live in whiterun” twice, one with skyrim conditions and then one info with Hearthfire quest conditions. Is it safe to have both?

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Eileen Müller
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