Cut content and the complaining

Post » Thu Aug 25, 2011 7:22 pm

They have all the spells in the game, yes. The problem comes see, there are three effects in my spell but I only have two hands to dual wield with.

I kind of misinterpretated what he was saying.
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Bee Baby
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Post » Thu Aug 25, 2011 8:46 pm

Duel wielding weapons adds build types, but duel wielding magic seems to be nothing more than a gimmick. Duel wielding spells is in no way, shape, or form spell creation. It doesnt make up for the lack of spell creation. Spell Creation is gone, along with a third of my builds. I can blame, or thank Skyrim for making me break down and spend for a gaming PC, just so modders can fix Sky.
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Setal Vara
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Post » Thu Aug 25, 2011 8:19 pm

And that's why I'm pissed. They should care in a game where they claim to allow you to play however you want.

Yeah, they should include a watered down, half-assed version of every feature the video game industry saw.

You can play however you want, nobody said it will be unique and fun though.
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Sarah MacLeod
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Post » Thu Aug 25, 2011 12:01 pm

I agree with the OP. The main thing to remember is that the devs are the ones who know what makes a better game. It would not have taken long to implement spell making or speed and acrobatics but when they didn't have them they found the game was better than if they did. Otherwise they would have those things.
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Nick Pryce
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Post » Thu Aug 25, 2011 6:39 pm

I think complaining about what you want in a game, or from something being cut is completely acceptable. I do it constantly with Skyrim.

For everyone saying, "Stop complaining no one is making you buy the game" etc. Think of this situation for the new Battlefield 3 (I know its a different game, but it proves my point): With Battlefield 3 there are many concerns about the consoles getting screwed with only 24 players per game, and the PC getting full 64 per game. When asked why this was, the devs and producers told the press that the PC players were COMPLAINING about the lack of attention the PC community was getting in previous Battlefield installments (ie. Battlefield bad company 1 and 2). They also mentioned, "We have not heard any complaints from the console community." You can look at any aticle on the web, just search google, for clarification. I will not post any specifics because its literally spammed all over the net.

My point being, that complaining is acceptable and so maybe we can be heard, and or the next instillation of TES after Skyrim will include what we hold dear to us. So complaining should be praised. If you still think complaining is a waste of time, go tell that to the console community of the upcoming Battlefield 3 game and see what they will do to you. Warning ahead of time, you might get MASSIVELY flammed :cryvaultboy:

Yes, but there this day only, A LOT of complaining has been going on (mainly no arena). I don't want to read about a bunch, and I mean a BUNCH of complaints about the same thing on the forums.
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Manuela Ribeiro Pereira
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Post » Thu Aug 25, 2011 11:02 am

Yes, but there this day only, A LOT of complaining has been going on (mainly no arena). I don't want to read about a bunch, and I mean a BUNCH of complaints about the same thing on the forums.

Then don't read them if you know what your getting into. Hopefully a dev or Hines, or even Howard himself will see the slew of complaints on the same subject and think about what fans REALLY WANT.

EXAMPLE: I would give up all the salmon and bees in the skyrim world to have spell creation back. :sadvaultboy:
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aisha jamil
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Post » Thu Aug 25, 2011 4:03 pm

Then don't read them if you know what your getting into. Hopefully a dev or Hines, or even Howard himself will see the slew of complaints on the same subject and think about what fans REALLY WANT.

EXAMPLE: I would give up all the salmon and bees in the skyrim world to have spell creation back. :sadvaultboy:

I would forsake marrige for seperate armor.
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Post » Thu Aug 25, 2011 10:28 pm

Yeah, they should include a watered down, half-assed version of every feature the video game industry saw.

You can play however you want, nobody said it will be unique and fun though.

Watered down is better than nothing. Infact that's what I'm getting with SK. In OB it had a skill and perks. Now they watered it down so it'll probably be as static as running and jumping. Great, I can kill a rabbit with my fists, but a dragon is out of my league and I can never get better at punching.

It seems the only reason punching is still allowed is so there can be bar fights.

In morrowind I killed a god/fake god with my fists. In Sk, I can beat up the local drunk for looking at me the wrong way. Hth is hella watered down. I wanted hth to be improved like all the other combat options. With it's own perks. They could have made it something really special!

But they didnt. And I'm upset. I still intend to fight a dragon with my fists. But now instead of it being fun - as in training hard so that eventually I can even take down a dragon with my bare fists - it'll be a gimmicky bar fight with a dragon. And I hate saying something is a gimmick. But reducing hth so it can only be effective in a bar? It's a low blow for me.

I'm sorry, but that's my opinion.
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Jonathan Braz
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Post » Thu Aug 25, 2011 6:35 pm

I'll say what I said in the Arena thread since it definitely applies here..."People saying that they should have pushed the game back, or waited, obviously don't understand how the business works. The Publisher gives the devs (BGS) a time frame and budget to adhere to. BGS can't put the game out whenever they want and spend as much as they want on development. They spend what what Zenimax/Bethesda Softworks allocates to them."
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Alexx Peace
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Post » Thu Aug 25, 2011 9:32 am

Then don't read them if you know what your getting into. Hopefully a dev or Hines, or even Howard himself will see the slew of complaints on the same subject and think about what fans REALLY WANT.

EXAMPLE: I would give up all the salmon and bees in the skyrim world to have spell creation back. :sadvaultboy:

Well, it's just today, and people complain in all topics. In the "Arena Good Riddance" it was a thread for people who supported the lack of an arena, but guess who showed up?

Today, I really didn't want to spend combating doubters of Skyrim.
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Post » Thu Aug 25, 2011 3:21 pm

Three damage spell, useful against any enemy. can be tweaked for variables, and optimised for effect/magicka cost ratio. Can be used with sword and shield at almost no disadvantage.

One element at a time, choose the right one, both for enemy resistance and new secondary effect. Want two elements? Make the tactical choice between two spells, or one spell and a weapon. Can't be optimised for casting cost.

Some people think the second option is dumbing down. That is their opinion, and everyone has a right to their opinion. What they don't have a right to do, is tell me I want an action game instead of an rpg, presumably because I can't handle the complexity ( btw, I play Rolemaster ) because I prefer the second option.
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Rachel Tyson
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Post » Thu Aug 25, 2011 2:45 pm

I think complaining about what you want in a game, or from something being cut is completely acceptable. I do it constantly with Skyrim.

For everyone saying, "Stop complaining no one is making you buy the game" etc. Think of this situation for the new Battlefield 3 (I know its a different game, but it proves my point): With Battlefield 3 there are many concerns about the consoles getting screwed with only 24 players per game, and the PC getting full 64 per game. When asked why this was, the devs and producers told the press that the PC players were COMPLAINING about the lack of attention the PC community was getting in previous Battlefield installments (ie. Battlefield bad company 1 and 2). They also mentioned, "We have not heard any complaints from the console community." You can look at any aticle on the web, just search google, for clarification. I will not post any specifics because its literally spammed all over the net.

My point being, that complaining is acceptable and so maybe we can be heard, and or the next instillation of TES after Skyrim will include what we hold dear to us. So complaining should be praised. If you still think complaining is a waste of time, go tell that to the console community of the upcoming Battlefield 3 game and see what they will do to you. Warning ahead of time, you might get MASSIVELY flammed :cryvaultboy:

Off-topic: I'd be more concerned with origin and its EULA...

On-topic: Complaints are fine, I only posted this as I saw about 6 threads about the confirmed removal of arenas on the first page. I agree voicing an opinion is good and it can get us heard about the changes we dislike, but (as already stated) having the "OMG Skyrim is teh svckzors" cause they removed something doesn't help our points being validated.

As with my first post Bethesda makes the game new everytime, they want each game to be unique. Somethings will be new and somethings will be left behind. It's part of the creation process. With new mechanics, old mechanics may just will not work well and balance correctly.

Actually I'm curious how many games in a "series" has kept everything from a previous installment? Anyone got an example?
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Victor Oropeza
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Post » Thu Aug 25, 2011 11:43 am

Losing builds=inexcusable.

The new options allow for all new builds that weren't even possible in Morrowind.
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Dona BlackHeart
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Post » Thu Aug 25, 2011 11:39 pm

I would forsake marrige for seperate armor.

I would give up the minecraft gimmick in skyrim to have the arena and class system back
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Mimi BC
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Post » Thu Aug 25, 2011 1:12 pm

The new options allow for all new builds that weren't even possible in Morrowind.

Perks expand warrior and thief type builds, but no spell creation losses more builds than could ever be replaced by Skyrims announced 'new', or brought back features. No amount of perks, or finishing moves, or a few (most likely linear, and Im even looking forward to cobbling and writing librettos) jobs, can replace. SC alone allowed for limitless RP options. With a little imagination and representation, I can make almost any build in previous ES games, particularly Morrow and Dagger, although I got crafty in Ob.
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Post » Thu Aug 25, 2011 6:22 pm

Three damage spell, useful against any enemy. can be tweaked for variables, and optimised for effect/magicka cost ratio. Can be used with sword and shield at almost no disadvantage.

One element at a time, choose the right one, both for enemy resistance and new secondary effect. Want two elements? Make the tactical choice between two spells, or one spell and a weapon. Can't be optimised for casting cost.

Some people think the second option is dumbing down. That is their opinion, and everyone has a right to their opinion. What they don't have a right to do, is tell me I want an action game instead of an rpg, presumably because I can't handle the complexity ( btw, I play Rolemaster ) because I prefer the second option.

I'm going to agree with you on this one. I'm not sure if I can explain it properly, but the way I feel about magic in Skyrim is that it is not only harder to use, but also more powerful. You must equip spells, so you have to commit to it rather than having a full other set of weapons to fall back on. However, I feel magic will feel more powerful when used properly. This is in no way dumbing-down IMHO, but feel free to disagree with me without treating me like I'm an idiot just because I disagree with you.
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Post » Thu Aug 25, 2011 11:50 am

Watered down is better than nothing. Infact that's what I'm getting with SK. In OB it had a skill and perks. Now they watered it down so it'll probably be as static as running and jumping. Great, I can kill a rabbit with my fists, but a dragon is out of my league and I can never get better at punching.

It seems the only reason punching is still allowed is so there can be bar fights.

In morrowind I killed a god/fake god with my fists. In Sk, I can beat up the local drunk for looking at me the wrong way. Hth is hella watered down. I wanted hth to be improved like all the other combat options. With it's own perks. They could have made it something really special!

But they didnt. And I'm upset. I still intend to fight a dragon with my fists. But now instead of it being fun - as in training hard so that eventually I can even take down a dragon with my bare fists - it'll be a gimmicky bar fight with a dragon. And I hate saying something is a gimmick. But reducing hth so it can only be effective in a bar? It's a low blow for me.

I'm sorry, but that's my opinion.

I totally agree. It doesn't bother me since I have NEVER used hand to hand, but I can see that for someone who uses it as their main fighting skill that it would be terrible. There was no reason to get rid of Hand to Hand except to make room for other skills. Which makes no sense. They could have kept Mysticism, Acrobatics and Hand to Hand and all the archetypes would be balanced.
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Sara Johanna Scenariste
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Post » Thu Aug 25, 2011 5:20 pm

The new options allow for all new builds that weren't even possible in Morrowind.

The limit on perks actually forces you to make a build, not a necessity in the last two games at all. Choice and consequence.
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Jaki Birch
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Post » Thu Aug 25, 2011 9:36 pm

I think people just have high standards for the series and they don't want to see a horrible TES game (im not saying that Skyrim will be horrible). Until we actually play the game, a lot of people are going to either accept Skyrim for what it is or not.
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Elizabeth Falvey
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Post » Thu Aug 25, 2011 11:46 pm

You can't please everyone. I love every addition, subtraction and every design decision. Skyrim will be legendary :tes:
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Brandi Norton
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Post » Thu Aug 25, 2011 3:36 pm

Off-topic: I'd be more concerned with origin and its EULA...

On-topic: Complaints are fine, I only posted this as I saw about 6 threads about the confirmed removal of arenas on the first page. I agree voicing an opinion is good and it can get us heard about the changes we dislike, but (as already stated) having the "OMG Skyrim is teh svckzors" cause they removed something doesn't help our points being validated.

As with my first post Bethesda makes the game new everytime, they want each game to be unique. Somethings will be new and somethings will be left behind. It's part of the creation process. With new mechanics, old mechanics may just will not work well and balance correctly.

Actually I'm curious how many games in a "series" has kept everything from a previous installment? Anyone got an example?

Of course, my original post wasn't for your OP. It was for the numerous amount of people in the topic stating, "don't buy the game.... stop complaining" category. I agree that certain ignorant people make our legitamite complaints look sloppy.

Who said anything about EVERYTHING being kept from a previous installment? I don't know of anyone who wanted an Oblivion 2. Its just wanting things that made the other series (not just Oblivion) ground-breaking and innovative.
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Stephanie Kemp
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Post » Thu Aug 25, 2011 5:28 pm

Actually I'm curious how many games in a "series" has kept everything from a previous installment? Anyone got an example?

Pokemon. While it can take some doing, you can always find a way to get the older pokemon. I'm not saying the newer ones are better...but they never get rid of any of their old pokemon.

I totally agree. It doesn't bother me since I have NEVER used hand to hand, but I can see that for someone who uses it as their main fighting skill that it would be terrible. There was no reason to get rid of Hand to Hand except to make room for other skills. Which makes no sense. They could have kept Mysticism, Acrobatics and Hand to Hand and all the archetypes would be balanced.

Exactly. It annoys me when Todd says "Mysticism was the magic school of magic, how redundant is that?" Well...maybe we shouldn't make it redundant anymore then? Clairvoyance looks mysticism to me. Add a few other spells and it would have been very cool. But at least all those spells are still in the game even thought the school isnt.

It's the same with running and jumping. Okay, every class runs and jumps. Then tie those things to stamina. The more stamina, the faster you can run and the higher you can jump. You choose to increase those now, right? It'd be our choice if we wanted to be super sprinters or not.
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Guinevere Wood
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Post » Thu Aug 25, 2011 9:29 am

Wanna know whats even more tiring then all the criticism threads?

All the threads telling the criticizers to shut up.....

And besides whats wrong with people bringing up an issue they have a problem with?
Deus Ex HR originally had terrible yellow highlighting everywhere, but because of all the complaints they toned it down. If Bethesda said you have to start the game as a Nord, would you just shut up and take it?
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Post » Thu Aug 25, 2011 11:34 pm

The complaining about cut content is getting rather out of hand. Just because there was something in a previous game doesn't mean it can be in the next game. It comes down to one simple fact. Cost and development time. The cost of the Elder Scrolls game has to be massive based on the amount of people working on it and the amount of time it takes to develop it.

Todd has stated every time a ES game is created, they start with a blank slate. So every time the create a new project the engine has to be overhauled (as to keep with the generation) and that alone takes a significant amount of time. (Don't say graphics don't matter) After that (and during that development) art style is developed as with the content that will actually be in the game. Everything that is put into Skyrim is remade from scratch. So every quest line, every piece of armor, every weapon, etc. has to be redone. To incorporate everything from the older games and also adding the new things isn't possible within a timely manner. In the business there is a finite amount of time a project can continue before the funds for development are gone. There is a point when they have to say hey we cant add anything else.

Personally there are things I will miss, But the fact is to have a NEW game, things will have to go.

The team had a vision to make a new game with certain features and story lines, Reimplementing old stuff is second to the current ambitions.

I still think Skyrim is going to be a fun game to play, but then again I view it as NEW game that is not Oblivion or Morrowind.

By that logic they can remove the fantasy setting and we are not allowed to complain... Too many cutbacks and i am getting more bad news than good recently... I am now holding off my pre order until they announce Werewolfs and if they will be in the game... Sorry bethesda but i still have not completed Morrowind yet and if you are cutting back ALOT of the little things that made Elder Scrolls what it is then you can go to hell and i will go back to a time where you went forward instead of backwards
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Post » Thu Aug 25, 2011 9:26 pm

And that's why I'm pissed. They should care in a game where they claim to allow you to play however you want.

Well I guess The Elder Scrolls Morrowind is the greatest game in the history of the universe. then, because I want to play as a shape shifting dual wielder who commands armies of followers to march across Morrowind and overthrow the local rule.....

(As you can see... it's a video game, there have to be limits)
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