Wouldnt be anything new for Beth to cut and dumb down for either a deadline or to appeal to action gamers.
I was mistaken after all. I thought it was from the Game Informer podcast but I couldn't find it. He talked about spears not making the cut, so I misheard it.
edit: ...ok, just read up
the windhelm arena is there in the game files, my theory why it's cut out is it's stormcloak = accessible for one chosen side only.
it's certainly not for technical reasons anyhow, it'd be dead easy to implement (not counting side quests).
for my part anyway, i don't miss it, like it was in oblivion, it just bored me senseless actually...
uhm sorry to object, but there's no indication whatsoever of any giant battle like this and/or more sentient giants in the game files (following all i've seen of beth's game file clearing practice, at least their dialogues would still be there. not.)
true that, there's some stuff in the files that indicates there was meant to be some production/economy system. like, the grain mills (and couple other stuff) also seem to be a part of these (there's also a lot about sabotaging them in there, since i still couldn't bring myself to play the cw-questline, i got no idea if they're ever actually used)
One of the DB quests involved you getting sent to prison, fighting in the windhelm fight pits, and assassinating your target (that Alain guy).
well ok, lacking the windhelm arena, i can see how that didn't make it into the game
(edited my last post meanwhile btw)
sorry for quoting myself - a way how an arena would make sense for me (where pointlessly beating up random npc's certainly doesn't) would be like this:
1) combine it with brawling and make it usable with any npc: if they go on my nerves, we go make out in the arena. (boy, would sidgeir be in for a beating...)
2) pink slips. i want that npc's house, that bandit's camp, that rich man's horse -> arena
in an interview at E3 Todd said the game was almost done so i doubt it will be rushed for the release date
This. By the time the game was announced, the game was pretty much done.
I'm pretty sure New Vegas' short development was due to Bethesda wanting a 2010 release date to precede Skyrim's 2011 release. It's an amazing game that's filled to the brim with content with a staggeringly tiny development window, and I can't imagine what they could have done with an extra year or two. I do wonder if the better decision would have been to extend development to October 2012, but maybe the already dated engine would be even worse received than in 2010. Or maybe they could have used the Creation Engine, but this could have extended development time enough that it would be practically the same with the new engine. Regardless, the Legion storyline was rich and developed for the main quest, but extended development time could have introduced more secondary and tertiary characters and quests. Even developing an entire Legion territory in the East map. And extending the Western border as well. As amazing as the game was, I feel very disappointed and bitter when I consider these possibilities.
For Fallout 4, development was started in 2009, went into full gear in the aftermath of Skyrim, and then even further development when Skyrim's DLCs were finished. 6 years, and they only announced it within five months of release. There will most definitely be cut content, but it's gonna be stuff we won't even know about until after the fact. I trust that everything we see will be in the game.
I think that many games have cut content.
Stuff that does not work as intended. Poor writing, bad coding and other factors probably stall some of the stuff that may make it in later but for now just does not fit in the schedule. I dont mind cut content, unless it is an obvious money grab like Destiny.
Fully agree
not so much that I want to use them, but it would have made the game seem so much more alive so have people out fishing or even big naval ships coming in and out of port.
Comments in the Windhelm Pit quest scripts suggest that the arena was cut because they didn't feel that the quests were very fun to do. As a matter of fact, the Pit questline as-is is most likely impossible to complete since one of the quests involves fighting giants within the tiny arena that the Windhelm Pit is.
Also, I'm pretty sure about 99% of games out there have cut content, so I wouldn't expect Fallout 4 to not have any cut features.
ah, so THAT'd be that ominous supposed "sentient giant battles"!? mmmeh...
Yep. Vanilla implementation like that would've made mods like SOG and pirate oriented sea faring quest mods that much more stabler for the game. I've got SOG, Solitude Docks District, Better Docks at max resolution textures in the Solitude Docks area. Game runs on a fine edge (but more so on stable side thanks to merged plugin and other tweaks). The game performance/stability in this particular area would've gone a long way if Beth had more time to incorporate this vanilla feature into the base game.
OT: I'm really, really, really, really praying that Beth adds in at least the 3 basic primary needs we got for FONV. But ideally, they also took note of amazing mods like Project Nevada, IMCN, and FWE for F03 and made the PC needs more complex i.e. interactive on the environment. Couldn't verify this from the pip boy screens they showed at E3 though. But I'm still hoping for
FOD, H20, SLP. Then adding the likes of your character to be able to get dirty and bathe (there's got to be a genuine practical use for Abraxo Clearner and detergent besides crafting stuff), use the toilet for #1 and #2 with the Toilet Paper mod that was in F03 & NV. That would make it easier to create a washing machine mod to clean your dirty clothes. Especially now that we can layer clothing and/or armor.
Also it makes sense that if your char is wearing PA, they should become overheated if it's too sunny out and/or if the temp exceeds a certain level. Imp did his need mod so that if you neglected your char's needs, they would ultimately die from malnutrition or thirst. Imp's Ambient Temperature mod in NV did this and he designed it to work beautifully with his PPA mod. These combined with IMCN or PN made playing the game a real challenge and wonderfully strategic. Your inventory items all had weight and so you had to tactically decide what to carry (water being at top of list, then food, weaponry etc etc). So I'm really hoping this immersive feature makes Beth's cutting room floor when the game ships.
Then again, Todd did indicate there will be areas where radioactive rain falls. So this would imply at least some sort of PC vitals interacting with the game world. I just hope this doesn't mean your char will end up walking into one of these radioactive areas and then keeling over dead after a few seconds (like with FONV DM). Hopefully, your PC body vitals will be impacted like getting more thirsty, feeling/seeing blurred visuals as vision is imapcted etc etc.
Because some people don't know when to stop and some people do but dont anyway.
No issue with Cut content. Every game has some and often they are ideas that crop up on the whiteboard for inclusion that never quite work or quite fit. As someone said the code is often left in the games because something at some point might reference it and you dont want to have to rewrite chunks so you leave it in.
Not every idea is a great idea and often cut content can find its way back into the game as a DLC.
You really don't know that tbh. We did see a flying blimp but wether this will be pilotable by PC is still TBD. Not too hard to extend that concept to ships as the map (and pics shown at E3) clearly has a good amount of water (being in the Massachusetts area). What's to say Beth doesn't include a small working rowboat or sailboat as a surprise? We didn't see everything the game has to offer yet.