Skills.. Daggerfall had a something stupid amount of skills, morrowind nearly had 30, Oblivion Had a little over 20, skyrim Has Less than 20 .
Now i could understand Why Morrowind had less skills than daggerfall.. i mean... Impish? Centaur? Im Fairly certain that even in the hardcoe The numbers of skills are unappealing . But.. Morrowind had a decent ammount of skills. I Liked that oblivion merged the Axe and blunt skills As they DO handle the same But i wasnt to keen on the removal of shortblade and spears or enchanting
Now.. Acrobatics could possibly be seen as redundant. But for the love of Bosmer! Why couldnt Bethesda MAKE acrobatics? Would you rather Have it gone or Allow you to become Altair's incarnate?
Perks are a step in the right direction. But Why must They REPLACE things? What is wrong with augmentation?
As for weapons.. How hard would it be to make a crossbow? Animating it Would Be the only difficulty and Bethesda has a lot of developers. Why No Spears? They are a simple weapon and Could easily be added in Less than a week. Why no Throwing weapons? COD HAS BLOODY THROWING WEAPONS!! DO YOU HAVE ANY IDEA HOW LAZY THOSE GUYS ARE?
AS for armour slots.. Why is there less of them? Get out with "enchantment abuse" Because tes is A game that Gives the player A choice on how they want to play. Enchantments could also have been nerfed Rather than Have slots removed from armour.
What was wrong with pauldrons? Yes they may Have clipped a little.. but then couldent armour be designed in such a way that they dont?
As for greaves... What if i want to wear some pants with my curriass? What if i want a stylish skirt to Complete my full clad scottish inspired warrior?