[RELZ] Cuter Veronica

Post » Sun Jan 24, 2010 5:27 pm

Aaaaaas requested, here's Veronica as Felicia Day.


Grab it while it's hawt!

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Austin Suggs
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Post » Sun Jan 24, 2010 2:55 pm

Great work princess. Both with Veronica and Boone.

My problem is that I -personally- don't want my companions prettier than me..

..since I get enough of that IRL :P

Can we have a mod that hits everyone in the game with the ugly stick :nod:

edit: kidding :)
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Aman Bhattal
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Post » Sun Jan 24, 2010 3:21 pm

Well as much as I hate companions (it's allot, allot allot) I am a svcker for a cute red-head, and Ms. Day is pretty nerdgasmically awesome, I may have to give this mod and that companion a shot. Minus the Oasis Druid hood, looks like someone crossbread a horn of plenty with a burlap sack. No idea why they stuck that on her head.

Nice work, I was a bit skeptical before I clicked the link, but no more. :)

Oh I hope my PC is done today.
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Rachie Stout
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Post » Mon Jan 25, 2010 12:30 am

That's quite a decent likeness you've managed to get there. Not my cup of tea (making her look like Felicia Day I mean) but nice work none the less.
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Jessica Raven
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Post » Sun Jan 24, 2010 11:02 pm

Thanks. I was pretty pleased that Felicia liked it (she tweeted about it). My friend reckons I therefore win the internet, and everyone else can go home! :D
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Post » Sun Jan 24, 2010 4:44 pm

Yeah. Now if you could just ditch the sack, we'd be cooking with plasma here! :P
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Andrew Lang
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Post » Sun Jan 24, 2010 7:38 pm

Yeah. Now if you could just ditch the sack, we'd be cooking with plasma here! :P

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El Khatiri
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Post » Sun Jan 24, 2010 8:50 pm

You can ditch the sack clothes if you equip her with something that has more DT.

The one thing I did, I removed the back of the hood that made her look like the Hobgoblin
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Far'ed K.G.h.m
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Post » Sun Jan 24, 2010 5:40 pm

Thanks. I was pretty pleased that Felicia liked it (she tweeted about it). My friend reckons I therefore win the internet, and everyone else can go home! :D

Gotta see this, link the tweet! :P
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Victor Oropeza
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Post » Sun Jan 24, 2010 3:55 pm

You can ditch the sack clothes if you equip her with something that has more DT.

The one thing I did, I removed the back of the hood that made her look like the Hobgoblin

I'm not too concerned about the clothes since I make sure she runs around in a shiny Brotherhood T-51b anyway, but the sack on her head simply has to go. It kinda defeats the purpose to download a beautification mod only to have her head covered with a burlap sack. :P
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Post » Mon Jan 25, 2010 5:38 am

Thanks. I was pretty pleased that Felicia liked it (she tweeted about it). My friend reckons I therefore win the internet, and everyone else can go home! :D

Nice! :D
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marie breen
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Post » Mon Jan 25, 2010 7:12 am

Gotta see this, link the tweet! :P

I don't actually know how to link to specific tweets, but this is her page. http://twitter.com/#!/feliciaday

I spent a while trying to remove the burlap sack but nothing seemed to work. Swapping out the artwork for a cute beret just caused the beret to hang sideways at a really strange angle. Apparently I'd need to generate EGM files for it to work properly but that would involve installing this and that and messing around in Nifskope for hours so the short form response to that is "[censored] that"!

I'm going to try the Scribe Robe mod linked to above and see what it looks like used together with this.

:edit: OK, if I use the Scribe's Robe mod, it's fine except she has a weird square in the middle of her forehead, but she will now equip the beret - so if you have a beret then you can get her to wear that and slightly less hideous robes and she looks OK.
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Post » Sun Jan 24, 2010 6:02 pm

Wow that actually looks alot like her, the eyes, the nose, and the lips especially. You even managed to get that weird thing she has going on with her upper lip down to a t.

That's probably the best impersonation of a face I've ever seen done in a mod.
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Bedford White
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Post » Mon Jan 25, 2010 5:10 am

At first I was like "Oh dear, the *SPR PRDY NPSEES PAK*s are here", then I saw your name, and I thought you'd figured out how to expand Veronica into a convenient city mod, and then I saw that that is more like Felicia Day than Felicia Day herself.

And dear Princess, I've been mentioned and thanked by a guy who knows George Lucas. :laugh:

Anyway, this is officially the first FONV mod I'll ever use, you've once again proved yourself when it comes to modding :)
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Post » Mon Jan 25, 2010 4:42 am

I'm not too concerned about the clothes since I make sure she runs around in a shiny Brotherhood T-51b anyway, but the sack on her head simply has to go. It kinda defeats the purpose to download a beautification mod only to have her head covered with a burlap sack. :P

.. I guess you're right. I kept the hood because I like the Oblivion battle mage look, armor with a hoodie. I just didn't like the sock hangin' off the back of the nogggin'. That had to go.
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Post » Sun Jan 24, 2010 10:20 pm

I don't actually know how to link to specific tweets, but this is her page. http://twitter.com/#!/feliciaday

I spent a while trying to remove the burlap sack but nothing seemed to work. Swapping out the artwork for a cute beret just caused the beret to hang sideways at a really strange angle. Apparently I'd need to generate EGM files for it to work properly but that would involve installing this and that and messing around in Nifskope for hours so the short form response to that is "[censored] that"!

I'm going to try the Scribe Robe mod linked to above and see what it looks like used together with this.

:edit: OK, if I use the Scribe's Robe mod, it's fine except she has a weird square in the middle of her forehead, but she will now equip the beret - so if you have a beret then you can get her to wear that and slightly less hideous robes and she looks OK.

Try this instead, Princess: http://www.newvegasnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=34912

Then you can put whatever you want on her, including any officer berets you... *ahem* ...acquire from the NCR.
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Wayne W
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Post » Mon Jan 25, 2010 12:07 am

Yeah. Now if you could just ditch the sack, we'd be cooking with plasma here! :P

I am shocked that this not known in the modding section :blink:
open console
click on Veronica
type "inv"
look for "Veronica's hood" in the list (if it doesn't show, empty her inventory)
type "removeitem (the hood's id) 1"

It's not rocket science, it's hacking :P

On topic, very nice Princess. I'll try what it in game.
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marie breen
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Post » Sun Jan 24, 2010 11:09 pm

I am shocked that this not known in the modding section :blink:
open console
click on Veronica
type "inv"
look for "Veronica's hood" in the list (if it doesn't show, empty her inventory)
type "removeitem (the hood's id) 1"

It's not rocket science, it's hacking :P

On topic, very nice Princess. I'll try what it in game.

I would, but see, using the console turns off achievements, and I really want that hardcoe achievement. :P
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Post » Sun Jan 24, 2010 4:50 pm

Really? I've gotten achievements despite excessive console usage, the first thing i did was set the timescale slower. And i may have temporarily modded skill levels to get that one missing point required for lockpicking or hacking... :blush:
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Jamie Moysey
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Post » Mon Jan 25, 2010 3:31 am

Great work on this one.
Must say I prefer your remodeling to most on Nexus since you don't use all the fancy cosmetic mods, making my companions look better but not look like barbie dolls among the rest of the population.
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keri seymour
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Post » Sun Jan 24, 2010 7:17 pm

I would, but see, using the console turns off achievements, and I really want that hardcoe achievement. :P

I don't know where this rumour started but it is completely unfounded - using the console does not turn off achievements.
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Tiffany Holmes
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Post » Mon Jan 25, 2010 7:12 am

Yeah, I've been playing almost entirely in godmode and still got plenty of Steam achievements!


Thanks for the console tip - I didn't know that specific command. :)
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My blood
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Post » Mon Jan 25, 2010 3:21 am

Yeah, I've been playing almost entirely in godmode and still got plenty of Steam achievements!


Thanks for the console tip - I didn't know that specific command. :)

Wait...really? I've only gotten one :P
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Kit Marsden
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Post » Mon Jan 25, 2010 6:06 am

I don't know where this rumour started but it is completely unfounded - using the console does not turn off achievements.

The console does disable achievements. Until you reload the save.
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Gracie Dugdale
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Post » Sun Jan 24, 2010 8:10 pm

The console does disable achievements. Until you reload the save.

It turns off Steam Achievements, it doesn't turn off the in game ones that give you the perks.
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