Ysolda- strange but cute
Jordis- badass and adorable
Sylgja- dem eyes
Muiri- annoying but cute
IMO it's pretty close between Mjoll and Ysolda. Without that ridiculous looking thing painted on her face, Mjoll is very good looking. Problem with her is that she comes with a bit of unwanted baggage...fortunately, that is easily rectified.
If you play on PC, check out MOD "Helgen Reborn". There is an NPC "Cienna" who is the most adorable female.
Mjoll - I'm a man who enjoys a fellow warrior in his life.
Jordis - Same as above.
Orla -Dibella priestess.
Sylgja is the cutest imo, if you don't mind your wife wearing dirty mining clothes (or have access to a mod that lets you change her clothes).
Ysolda is also cute.
Brelyna is adorable if you like Dunmer, but you need to be a member of the CoW and she has an awful hairstyle.
I guess reading is not your strong point.
Anyway, I suggest Sylgja.
Just some of my personal notes on these choices:
Ysolda - Questionable side business
Jordis - Have to build house and become Thane to get
Sylgia - Always wears mining clothes and carries a pick axe
Muiri - Must be 'evil' to woo.
I'm going to assume you are not on the PC since you want vanilla only. You also gave no indication as to what you thought of elves in general, though granted in the vanilla game elves are kind of ... blau... It also help to know how you play, if you role-play at all. I find different characters tend to attract different types of girls. For example the hero type would find the Mjoll the Lioness a fine choice. Someone with more questionable morals wouldn't have any problem with Ysolda I'm sure. Someone down right evil, Muiri is possible (just don't piss her off).
Give me more of what you are looking for OP and the choices can be narrowed down some.
I agree. But for me I would have to say Jordis.
Jordis is high maintenence (hence the 25,000 to buy the house) but well worth it. She's hot, sweet and will die for you. What more could you ask for?
Then your choice is very easy.
Go to Markarth
Find Hroki (usually standing near the front gate)
Open the Console
Click Hroki
Type: "setrelationshiprank player 4" [ENTER]
Type: "addtofaction 19809 1" [ENTER]
Close Console
Wear amulet of Mara and talk to her
I've had a couple of my characters marry her. She's what I call a trophy wife. Not good for much else really.
I'd say Muiri, but she's... well... you'll know if you ever played through the Dark Brotherhood.
Sylgja- without a doubt in my mind. She is the cutest and that voice... Plus a hard working girl like herself needs to be set free from the spider infested mine.
But for the non Dark Brotherhood players. Muiri is off the list.
Vanilla is hard to decide but if on PC - Hroki
On PC im sticking Vanilla though for the games sake