But I never worried about anti-aliasing, you see playing in higher resolutions I never saw the point! And I wouldn't call 720P or 1080P low resolution, especially when the highest I can play on my PC is 1680X1050 anyhow. If you knew exactly what you are on about you would realise Framerates arn't an issue either! Just played through Killzone 3 (which looks fantastic btw and has ALOT going on all of the time including great particle effects and vistas not to mention huge firefights with upwards of 40 NPC's at a time firing with full effects) with NO slowdowns or hiccups or even 1 Crash! COD Black Opps upwards of 60FPS throughout, GT 5 the same and in 1080P, the list go's on... no I am not sure you do know consoles capabilities, I think you think you are well educated on the facts because you do alot of reading on the net, I am not sure how much you have actually put this into practice though, but like I said it isn't any big deal!
Do you have a 52 inch Full HD screen? Do you have a PS3 or Xbox? I am sorry but it sounds alot like sour graqes, which I have heard about and read about alot in recent years since the PS3 and Xbox came out. You see PC fans feel threatened by them, as did I a few years back, but you move on eventually when circumstances change and you realise they are not the all-encompassing evil most PC gamers think they are! And you are wrong UC2 IS fun, infact its the most fun (next to Mass Effect 2) that I have ever had in PC or Console gaming, and yes the graphics ARE spectacular no matter how much it hurts you to think so. The reviewers agree do you want me to link you just a few from the leading game review sites? I think you need to catch up with the times son, bite the bullet and welcome a new age in gaming, I did and I feel alot better for it

! (to be honest I felt like Crysis feels empty, pretty to look at but boring to play in practice, much like a nice painting!)
Does this all mean I have left my PC to collect dust? Not at all I will still buy Skyrim for it and hope one day my wife will alow me to buy a new I7 or at least an upgraded video card, although the GTX285 still does a marvelous job in Crysis Warhead and the latest games surprisingly! Yes I still play them, to look at and say gee that sure is pretty, haven't tried Crysis 2 yet but to me it looks alot faster paced and more involved?
Alot of what you say here makes sense. I have seen on many games forums that PC users are pissed because PC only games have now come onto consoles. Developers have had their heads turned by a dominant platform,which is console. And alot of PC users don't like it. I have nothing against PC's ,but i feel consoles in general deserve credit. If a company just made games for decent or high end PC's nowadays,they would be left behind and would not grow as they should. There are advantages to consoles,all of them have the same rig/setup,this in turn makes things easier for developers,and there is many other reasons.
Remember xbox came out in 2005...thats 6 years ago,but the tech...like the GPU,memory etc is even older than that,all that stuff was planned way before it came to shelves,which makes the tech about 7-8 years old. Now think about that,then look at games like halo,unchartered,skyrim,gears of war,crysis 2,it's amazing they have done what they have done if you bare all this in mind.
The sales of both PS3 and xbox show people are happy with the standard of graphics for now,they don't have to woory about OP systems,and [censored] loads of background tasks that a PC has to worry about. Like i have said i been alot of other game forums,and some PC users are worried about being left in the dark,because of consoles. Please do not say this isn't true,because it is.
When the next gen of consoles come out,things are going to be even better. Not only are the PS3 and xbox a good games machines ,they are also good all-round entertainment systems.
They are getting closer and closer to doing what a PC can do,and the next gen of consoles will do this even more,with the added bonus of everything tech wise being the same across the board,and not lots of different rigs here there and everywhere. Pc gaming is great,but it can also be very,very frustrating.There is much more going on in PC's in general,hence why they need more memory and better tech.Consoles don't have to worry about that,and the are getting closer to PC's while having the bonus of playing games without conflicts and expense.
All platforms deserve credit. But consoles are here to stay,and they are only going to get stronger,they dominate,sales suggest that. Games companies are NOT going to miss out on that growth potential,no way in hell. All this competition with games companies and platforms,makes everything better for everyone,because it keeps people motivated,Thus increasing standards everywhere.
I am not trolling....just stating facts,and what happens in the real world. The sooner people accept this better for everyone.