Oh, don't I know it, I certainly can't afford a top of the range gaming PC - you don't need one to have top of the range graphics, at least not any more. You've clearly had a bad experience with PC gaming, but let me tell you about my friend - let's call him matt. Started with a PS2 - that went fine. Upgraded to a 360 upon launch - a few months later it RROD'd, and he got a new one. The same thing happened - so he got a PS3, despite the pricetag. Worked fine for a while until it started being really, really slow. Had to replace the hard drive, it was about to die, then the console itself YLOD'd. Of course, I then reccomended he buy a cheap gaming PC, to which he replied "I'm not made of money!" - so I did a bit of research and handed him a list of components and prices. This was 3 years ago, and he yet to have any real problems.
Of course, this isn't a representative view - but neither is yours, of PC gaming. While consoles used to have the ease of use down, they're becoming far more complex - "clearing your cache" on both consoles is becoming an accepted debugging step, on a device who's very concept requires it to not require any debugging. PC gaming takes a little more research to get into, but that's it, right now it's a cheaper way (Pay slightly more for the hardware, but much less for the games and secondary services).
By all means play on console, for me to tell you you couldn't, or shouldn't, would be ridiculous, they're toys, and not worth getting worked up about. However, graphically? There's simply no competition. Where consoles have to skimp on some areas to produce decent results in others, PC hardware is powerful enough to allow significantly better results in all areas. As pretty as uncharted 2 can occasionally be, it can't even hope to compare to, say, Crysis, Just Cause 2, Metro 2033, or any number of other games. They're not competing, they're not even in the same league.
Yeah like I said I have been playing PC games and building PC's since the late early 90's well whenever Arena came out at any rate! I built many for friends some had problems some didn't but when they did have problems most of them were doozies! Mostly all my builds were successful, but my last one was what put me off, not entirely my builds fault it was mainly my suppliers! Long story, but I bought a Gigabyte X48 motherboard, my E8500, 4 Gig of Ram and a GTX285. First attempt at posting was a failure, moved the Ram around checked components, failed again, couldn't get far enough to get a Memtest done so I took one stick of Ram out, didn't help. Took the other stick out and replaced the other back in, and whalla it booted! So I had a faulty stick of Dominator Ram... no biggy went and got it replaced. It was when I noticed a capacitor sitting in the bottom of my X48's motherboard bag I was worried, I took the motherboard out of my box, took it back to my store, they said they had to send it away to be checked, I showed them the missing capacitor and they refused to replace it on the spot! 2 weeks passed without any PC gaming ( I didn't have my PS3 at this stage) the store called only to tell me that the motherboard still works fine! Incredulously I asked 'What'? So they put extra capacitors on the motherboard for no reason? They refused to replace it and I had to go out and buy a X58 instead, put this motherboard in along with everything else, it posted yay! Eagerly after windows and everything else was loaded I put in my FO3 disk to check it out, it worked fine for 3 mins then hard locked. Strange.... had to reboot, tried Call of Juarz, same thing after 4 mins, tried Crysis, 4 mins in hard-lock!
I did a Memtest it failed on test 3 then hard-locked my PC again... weeks and weeks of troubleshooting ensued, my stress levels were going through the roof, the wife was complaining I wasn't spending time with her and wasted all our money on a lemon... you have no idea...I replaced the Ram with Kingston 1066 Ram (motherboard manual and shop ensured me the X58 supported it) the same thing happened! More weeks of troubleshooting, no gaming and stress.. then one rainy day I decided to fiddle in the Bios and slowed the Ram down to DDR2 800, then ran a Memtest! Miraculously it made it through 5 complete passes without 1 error! So my motherboard DOESN'T support DDR1066 Ram.. fantastic... after all of this FO3 and Oblivion still crashed but everything else worked fine, Crysis, Crysis Warhead all ran like a dream.
So yeah I had a bad experience that almost cost me a divorce, my Missus cracked the wably's whenever I spent money on the PC saying I spent more on it than her (probably very true!) so when I got my PS3 free in a promotion from Sony with my 52 Inch FullHD screen I thaught why not give it a try? Pleasantly surprised was I, and my mate who was also a hardcoe PC gamer, he went and bought one not long after

Still use my PC occasionly but it is just a reminder of stressfull days, maybe I will go out and buy a Gaming Laptop instead when I have money again one day?

Btw games cost less here on the PS3 than PC games do, infact I can trade my old played PS3 games in and get a new one for free or discounted, so no PC gaming is not cheaper in any way for me! The way I see it, PS3 costs around 500 dollars AU atm, Gaming PC upwards of 1000 dollars IF you want to turn all the bells and whistles on and if you want to play in 1920X1080 for example. My PC is now mid range and no time soon can I afford to change this. Now you say the games might not look as good, well I disagree considering I have to turn things down on my PC for decent framerates, and if you have a decent TV it certainly looks pretty damn good still, I was surprised how great FO3 GOTY looked! Haven't had one PS3 issue in 3 years, I did replace my 40 gig HD however with a WD Blue 320 but that was because I needed more room! Look at it this way, hardcoe PC gamer, playing PS3 on a 52 inch screen with surround sound, if it looked like @^^@& I would say so but it doesn't! Easy to judge I am afraid but in practice I was quite surprised.