Cutting Room Floor
A content restoration mod for Skyrim.
From the depths of the ether, or just the cutting room floor, comes forth several NPCs, some quests, and other miscellaneous content which was created but never implemented in the game. If ever you had the feeling that Skyrim was missing something, you were probably right! This mod should relieve a bit of that. They are mostly generic NPCs with no purpose, quests that were complete but cut for some reason, or just random bits of stuff to be found.
NPCs were implemented using the list available on the UESP:
Unimplemented quests were seeded by the following list on UESP:
Cut civil war content is far too complex for me to want to mess with, so for that I'd recommend ApolloDown's Civil War Overhaul (version 2.0 or better). (
Download Locations
Installation Requirements
Official Skyrim patch or greater.
Unofficial Skyrim Patch 2.0.0 or greater.
Installation - Wrye Bash BAIN
Drop the archive into your Skyrim Mods\Bash Installers folder, then install as usual.
Make sure the mod is active in the Wrye Bash mods tab.
Installation - Nexus Mod Manager
Use the "Download with Manager" button on the Cutting Room Floor page at Skyrim Nexus. The installer should take care of things from there.
Then simply make sure NMM has the mod activated.
Installation - Manual
Drop the Cutting Room Floor.esp and Cutting Room Floor.bsa files into your Data folder.
Activate the mod using whatever management tool suits you.
Due to the nature of Skyrim mods, especially those with scripts, it is STRONGLY recommended you do not attempt to uninstall this mod once you've begun using it. The scripts altered by the mod, as well as several portions of the content will be permanently altered and will not restore themselves to their previous states.
This is not a defect in this mod, it is merely how Skyrim works with any mod that includes scripted changes. There is nothing I or anyone else can do about this. You need to load a save prior to having installed this mod in order to restore the game to its previous condition.
If you insist on removing the mod and continuing with the save though, the Cutting Room Floor.esp and Cutting Room Floor.bsa files must be removed from your Data folder. Any errors or residual changes left behind by doing so are your sole responsibility and any complaints about this will be ignored.
Load Order
Load early, as close to the top of your load list as reasonably possible since this mod deals in restored vanilla content.
BOSS should be used for optimal placement.
Implemented in This Mod
Argi Farseer - Stonehills. Works in the mine, has a home in Stonehills, takes a random stroll around the mining camp at night.
Captain Metilius - Castle Dour. Hangs around the war room during Bleak Falls Barrow or Jagged Crown, wanders the castle district outside otherwise. Will be disabled if the Stormcloaks have Solitude.
Grushnag - Placed with the Markarth Khajiit caravan and will travel with them. Serves as a guard due to the dangerous nature of The Reach.
Herebane Sorenshield - Added on the span of Kilkreath Ruins between the first and second interior areas. He will patrol the area there and is now carrying his named reward items too.
Makhel Abbas - Added in Dushnikh Yal. Placed in the orc faction and will pursue his hunting package in the area near the stronghold. Has been changed to use hunter's attire rather than heavy armor.
Mazgak - Added to the hunters in Bloated Man's Grotto.
Spirit of the Ancient Traveler - Added at Wayward Pass as was apparently intended.
Steirod - NPC planned for use at Irontree Mill.
Sulvar the Steady - Placed in Niranye's house, spends the rest of his time at the warehouse. It made no sense for him to spend his entire existence in her place.
Talib - Stonehills. Sleeps in the mining camp, works the mines, Stonehills ought to be plenty populated now.
Tasius Tragus - Added in the Dragon Bridge tavern. Doesn't do much other than sandboxing inside and outside. Sleeps at the inn. Supposedly is Varnius Junius' boss.
Thjollod - Added to the hunters in Bloated Man's Grotto.
Trilf - NPC planned for use at Irontree Mill.
Viding - Added to the hunters in Bloated Man's Grotto.
Mithorpa Nasyal - Dark Elf NPC assigned to Barleydark Farm.
Research Thief - An unfinished quest at the College of Winterhold. Nirya has something she'd like you to do.
Filling Soul Gems - Sergius Turrianus doesn't just want you to restock them, the lazy bum! (Repeatable radiant quest)
The Missing Apprentices - Phinis Gestor wants you to find out what happened to the previous group of apprentices.
Tolfdir the Absent-Minded - His alembic isn't the only thing he routinely misplaces! (Repeatable radiant quest)
Animal Pelt Collection - Restored a radiant quest for the Companions to collect animal pelts. Needed some logic tweaks and bugfix hacks to get it into useable shape.
Rogue Wizard - Tolfdir has more than just his absent-mindedness he needs help with. (Repeatable radiant quest)
Hitting the Books - An extra dialogue exchange was restored between the player and Mirabelle Ervine.
DialogueRiftenRatway - Restored a non-functional dialogue scene between the player and two thugs in the Ratway entrance. (Disabled if Live Another Life is installed and Thieves Guild start is chosen)
Thalmor Justiciar HQ in Solitude - Populated with one commander and 4 justiciars who will disable if the Stormcloaks take Solitude. Banners changed from Imperial to Thalmor.
Castle Dour Tower - Restored access to an unused tower room above General Tullius' room. Captain Metilius will sandbox here for part of the day as well as sleep here since he has no bed otherwise.
Irontree Mill - Restored a missing sawmill designated for Haafingar Hold. Originally marked as being in the mountains, it was obviously not possible to put there so it's on the coast next to the Solitude Lighthouse. Steirod and Trilf live and work here.
Barleydark Farm - Restored a farm southwest of Fort Greymoor occupied by Mithorpa Nasyal. The location was already leveled out and labeled, just never actually built.
Argi Farseer's House - The house that was never built for Argi Farseer in Stonehills.
Hana - For a ton of beta testing my characters weren't able to do. Bethesda's rat's nest never stood a chance!