If u dont care about this, dont comment it please.
Can be placed in autoexec.cfg and does work:
[n] = number
r_MultiGPU = 0/1/2
1=extra overhead to allow SLI(NVidia) or Crossfire(ATI),
2(default)=automatic detection
(recommend using 0 or 1)
g_skipIntro = 0/1
Skip all the intro videos.
cl_fov = [n]
field of view when standing still and walking.
pl_movement.power_sprint_targetFov = [n]
field of view when running.
sys_spec_GameEffects = 1/2/3/4
sys_spec_ObjectDetail = 1/2/3/4
sys_spec_Particles = 1/2/3/4
sys_spec_Physics = 1/2/3/4
sys_spec_PostProcessing = 1/2/3/4
sys_spec_Shading = 1/2/3/4
sys_spec_Shadows = 1/2/3/4
sys_spec_Sound = 1/2/3/4
sys_spec_Texture = 1/2/3/4
sys_spec_VolumetricEffects = 1/2/3/4
sys_spec_Water = 1/2/3/4
Above does same as ingame advanced menu: [High/Very High/Extreme/Ultra]
sys_spec_quality = 1/2/3/4
Controls quality settings below that cant be set thru autoexec.cfg anymore:
... q_Renderer = 1/1/2/3
... q_ShaderFX = 1/1/2/3
... q_ShaderGeneral = 1/1/2/3
... q_ShaderGlass = 1/1/2/3
... q_ShaderHDR = 1/1/2/3
... q_ShaderIce = 1/1/2/3
... q_ShaderMetal = 1/1/2/3
... q_ShaderPostProcess = 1/1/2/3
... q_ShaderShadow = 1/1/2/3
... q_ShaderSky = 1/1/2/3
... q_ShaderTerrain = 1/1/2/3
... q_ShaderVegetation = 1/1/2/3
Except this one that still works:
q_ShaderWater = 1/2
r_TexMaxAnisotropy = 0-16 (Default is 8)
Higher settings gives clearer distant textures.
Like bilinear and trilinear filtering, anisotropic filtering eliminates aliasing effects, but improves on these other techniques by reducing blur and preserving detail at extreme viewing angles.
r_PostMSAA = 0/1/2
Enables amortized multisampling.
0: "Off" 1: "2x quincunx" 2: "4xmsaa"
r_PostMSAAEdgeFilterNV = 0/1/2
Enables nvidia's edge filtering/fxaa algorithim. (Gives a yellow filter like effect with a dark circle in it if set wrong)
0: makes it use ati settings instead i think not 100% sure..
1: Single Nvidia Card (or running SLI Quality thou no point atm since most would want performance, not to mention the lack o FSAA support)
2: SLI setup with 2 or more cards.
3: Breaks it turning it totaly off, like most settings that overdone.
r_UseEdgeAA = 0/1/2/3
Toggles edge blurring/antialiasing
Default is 1 (edge blurring)
1: activate edge blurring mode
2 : activate edge antialiasing mode (previous version)
3: activate Laplace edge antialiasing mode
r_DrawNearFoV = [n]
Sets the FoV for drawing of near objects.
Default is 60.
r_ColorGrading = 0/1/2
Enables color grading. Default is 2. Cant see any effect setting it above.
e_GI = 0/1
Enable/disable global illumination. Default: 1 - enabled
e_GIAmount = [n]
Multiplier for brightness of the global illumination. Default is 0.6
r_HDRBloomMul = [n]
HDR bloom multiplier. Default is 0.7
r_HDRBrightLevel = [n]
HDR rendering level (bloom multiplier, tweak together with threshold) New default 1.25, Old default 0.85
r_SSAO = 0/1/2/3/4
Screen space ambient occlusion:
0 - was disabled before, is SSDO now.
1 - SSAO technique with normals
2 - SSAO technique with normals and temporal accumulation
3 - Volumetric Obscurance technique with jittering
4 - Volumetric Obscurance technique with jittering and temporal accumulation
e_GsmRange = [n]
Size of LOD 0 GSM area (in meters). Default is 3. Controls sun shadows maps, lower is sharper but shortens actual shadow distance. Gsm Lods Number is 5 usualy. So 3 gsmrange multiply by 5 gsmlodsnumber is 15 meters.
e_ShadowsCastViewDistRatio = [n]
View dist ratio for shadow maps casting from objects. Default is 1.
e_ShadowsMaxTexRes = 256/512/1024/??
Set maximum resolution of shadow map
256(faster), 512(medium), 1024(better quality)
1536 (custom above highest quality without bugging after dx11 patch 1.9, shadowresscale need to be adjusted along with it)
2048 (custom way above highest quality but bugs after dx11 patch 1.9 but worked fine before, shadowresscale need to be adjusted along with it)
e_ShadowsResScale = [n]
Multiplier for e_ShadowsMaxTexRes. Default at 1024 is 3.4
r_ShadowJittering = [n]
1.01 and up soften edge shadows but blurs the shadow more and more, 1 removes all jaggies on shadows. 0.99 and lower shows more and more jaggies. Default is kinda high 2.5
e_WaterTesselationAmount = [n]
Set tessellation amount on water. Default is 10. (Think max is 100, but it doesnt mean that it will look right so be carefull) 0 turns it off.
e_WaterTesselationSwathWidth = [n]
Set the swath width for the boustrophedonic mesh stripping ( in other words the white foam like texture that appear when water hit the shore) Default is 10.
r_WaterUpdateDistance = [n]
how far distance u move before engine reupdating water i think (not 100% on this one). Default is 0.2
r_WaterReflectionsMinVisiblePixelsUpdate = [n]
Activates water reflections if visible pixels above a certain threshold. Default is 0.05. Lower give more accurate reflections while higher gives less.
r_MotionBlurMaxViewDist = [n]
Sets motion blur max view distance for objects (meters). Default is 100.
r_MotionBlurShutterSpeed = [n]
Sets motion blur camera shutter speed. Can now be adjusted thru advanced graphics options/motion blur amount. High settings is 0.0009.
Ill do my game.cfg cvars later, since patch im not 100% if all is even workin. but some are for sure just need to try sort em from the non workin ones( atleast try to) .