Actually, looking at the links you posted, it seems to me that those guns are very similar to many real world guns that are already available. In many cases it seems as though they have chopped up a number of real weapons and just stuck the bits together randomly. For example the URM-7 seems like a HK G-36 with an m4 stock and a 416 foregrip, the AK127 is an AK74 with a G-36 stock and a UMP forestock, the Militech looks like an L85 with a FAL forestock, etc...
Seems that unless you are really picky, that you could come very close to what you are looking for with some minor adjustment of the specs in the GECK.
Well, I am aware of that, but a mater of fact is, I have rather a different looking gun that is composed of a mix of 1 or 3 weapons, instead of having another M16/HK416/M4 clone that seems so popular among gamers. I could of course link to some of the more interesting looking weapons that look completely different but that would also mean that modelers have a harder time making them. I also did not wanted to make a overly long list of guns.Also note that Cyberpunk 2020 bases its weapons on real life guns, when the first edition of Cyberpunk came out in the late 80s, the SA80 and the Steyr AUG where 2 of the most futuristic weapons out there, so the Ronin is simply based on that concept.
What I am saying is this: I want some different looking guns, something that I have not seen in a game yet. It gets boring after awhile to see the 100th M4 mod for Fallout 3. I also want to fill the "weapon gap" that comes when using 20th Century and Fallout Classic Weapons. You have the 20th century weapon pack that adds weapons from a time span of 1945 to 2010, while the Classic weapons add several guns from the late 21st Century, but where are the guns that came out between the time span of say, 2020 and 2050/60? So, filling that with weapons from Shadowrun or Cyberpunk may solve this issue as well.
That was my basic idea behind all this. Hope you folks can understand my reasoning.
Well, if you want something different, why not look at this:
Colt AR-55
Type : Assault rifle
Accuracy : 0
Availability : Common
Concealability : Non concealable
Magazine : 30
Rate of fire : 2/3/20 Cartridge : 7.62C (6D6+2)
Reliability : standard
Range : 400 meters
Cost : 595 eb
Reference : Datafortress 2020
Length : 87 cm
Country : USA
A standard assault rifle manufactured by Colt.
Militech AR-68
Type : Assault rifle
Accuracy : +1
Availability : Common
Concealability : Non concealable
Magazine : 30
Rate of fire : 2/3/20 Cartridge : 6.5 mm C (5D6+3)
Reliability : standard
Range : 400 meters
Cost : 725 eb
Reference : Datafortress 2020
Length : 80 cm
Country : USA
A workhorse one the field and a trusted friend off. This weapon is perfect for security and police forces, as well as a light battle rifle with troops.
Tsunami Arms AR-41
Type : Assault rifle
Accuracy : +1
Availability : Common
Concealability : Non concealable
Magazine : 30
Rate of fire : 2/3/15 Cartridge : 7.62C (6D6+2)
Reliability : very reliable
Range : 400 meters
Cost : 780 eb
Reference : Cyberpunk 2021
Length : 72 cm, crosse repliée
Country : Japan
So its not so much for the stats as it is more for the look and "feel" these weapons have.