“The true soldier fights not because he hates what is in front of him, but because he loves what is behind him.” ― G.K. Chesterton
This is a suggestion for the AvA Campaign system of ESO. The goal is to help add meaningful AvA content that fits the world setting, game mechanics, and player types that make up ESO.
The Tides of War
1) Each faction is given a new PvE frontier zone connected to Cyrodiil. This can either be by direct zone to zone contact, or by some other mechanic such as portals, ships, tunnels, etc...
2) This zone has unique quest, dungeons, secret places, and other types of PvE content similar to other areas. Some forts and strategic camps would also be found within these zones with future mechanics in mind (Control Points, NPCs fleeing/returning, buildings burned/rebuilt, etc..)
3) The HOME faction has access to this zone at all times while protected. Able to freely adventure in them like any other PvE zone.
4) At the end of a designated period or event (IE end of each Campaign cycle or new Emperor Crowned), access to these frontier zones changes. If score/winner based, the top 1 or 2 factions may now Invade the new PvE zones for the opposing faction(s). If event based (Emperor) then that faction may now invade the other frontier zones and gain access to them.
5) The "Invading Faction(s) or Winner" keep their PvE frontier zone protected. Unable to be accessed by the other faction(s). Their zone stays the same as stated in #1.
6) The "HOME or Defending Faction(s)" see their frontier zone become PvPvE zones. The other faction(s) can now invade these zone as the tide of war spills over. Allowing them to explore their dungeons, take on new quest, discover new secret areas, and other such spoils. Some of the keeps and towns would now become AvA objectives similar to the ones you see in Cyrodiil. During this time the HOME faction would still be able to do some of the quest and exploration found in the area before being invaded. The zone would change in some ways though to show the fact war has come to the land. But once repelled, would be able to rebuild and continue like it was before.
7) The "Defending Faction" has a larger number of player spots available for them. Allow them to repel invaders and giving defenders have tactical advantage fighting for their home land. This would also allow the Home faction to have more freedom to continue exploring what is theirs. It would also give underdogs or underpopulated factions a place to AvA without always feeling overwhelmed. Goals and objectives for invaders could be geared more toward smaller group content. While the Defending Faction is given both large and small objectives to achieve which limit the freedom invaders have to roam their land.
8) When the trigger from #4 happens, the frontier control is shifted based on the result.
Why have Darkness Falls when you can have whole zones?
The idea behind this is to provide rich and evolving dynamics to the AvA and the ESO world. This would foster more faction pride and greater sense of community as they fight for their homes. Players will have a feeling of accomplishment and chance to impact the world around them by conquering in AvA. Rewarding those players without truly punishing another. I believe it would do this in a way that fits the current mechanics within the game and the environment they have created.
These frontier zones would provide future content for a wide range of players. PvErs would have new places to adventure and quest. PvPrs would have more area to fight and see. A nice mix of World PvP and BG, but still being tied to the overall AvA Campaign. Role Players and Communities would build stronger identities and personal ties to their faction. Sandbox and evolving world fans would get more chance to have their actions change the world around them without it being tied to single player content which is harder to do for an MMO world.
This idea would take more detail and considerations than covered in this one post. But I thought it would be a good place to start. A feature that continues the storyline and provides both PvE and PvP content for everyone to enjoy.