With regards Taxes and Taxes on Houses. some more random questions more to stimulate your brain than anything else...
will these taxes vary on
a ) city
B ) race. if I recall correctly the count and countess of Leyawiin dislike argonians
c ) position in certain guilds? such as knights of white stallion in Leyawiin
d ) will taxes on houses account for modders houses?
e ) will different houses attract different levels of tax. also if upgraded.
Immediate response...
A ) Yes/No - Each City has one house, which will have it's own Tax based on that City (perhaps influenced by its economy)
B ) Possibly, if I can get enough details of who likes/dislikes who
C ) Not likely, since Guilds should be separate to the financial aspects of government (I'm doubting a Count/Countess would particularly like so 'no-mark' Arch-Mage, for example, influencing their taxes)
D ) No, unless I make individual patches, which I probably won't for now at least
E ) Yes, because of A
Edit: I've actually just had an idea: The Office if Imperial Commerce. Since it exists already, I can use it as a place where the Player can go to 'Register' any owned houses. It would allow them to choose if a Mod added House is Taxed or not: they go in, speak to the woman, and she asks 'How much would you say the house is worth?' The Player then chooses one of a few options (1000, 5000, 10000, 50000, 100000), and a base tax is applied accordingly.