Yes, with consideration, I think that will be the only issue at the moment: my Mod uses tokens which are added during Game Mode to set the NPCs Barter Gold (mainly because I was getting odd results before, so used this method to guarentee the correct values). This is done during Game Mode at the start of each day/when the player first enters the store/cell. If I am right, your changes won't take effect under current conditions (since my Mod will reset the Barter Gold to it's own values). I believe item prices et cetera will work fine.
My changes
will take effect even with CEO running. What will happen is something like this:
1st encounter:
1. Cell is entered, CEO sets barter gold to 1500 (ex)
2. Merchant is activated, EE reads current barter gold (1500) and adjusts this by EE's factors.
3. Merchant's gold is incremented/decremented for each trade by EE.
4. Player exits dialog, and EE resets the gold to 1500, but remembers what it was at the end of the trade (ex: 1000)
Next day:
1. CEO sets barter gold, assume 2000 now.
2. Merchant is activated, EE reads 2000, but remembers that the merchant had 1000 at the end of the trade. EE will then adjust the gold based on time since last visit and the difference between 1000 and 2000.
3/4. same as the day before.
So the mods should be able to work nice together, with EE treating the barter gold set by CEO just as it would treat barter gold set in the CS.
One note of caution though: A merchant's barter gold is stored in the savegame, and will (AFAIK) stick even after a mod is disabled/deleted. So it is important to have a sure way to reset the merchants' barter gold back to vanilla. EE handles this by always resetting it the moment the dialog menu is closed, but I don't know if CEO has any way of resetting the merchants' gold back to CS values?
TheNiceOne, can you PM me with an overview of how to set up one of those RunScriptLine commands? Like the one you gave me for running before adding money, to stop conflicts with EE?
It is pretty simple, the code line is
RunScriptLine "xxxxxxx"
where xxxxx is any line you could write in the console. As an example, the one to add money without EE modifying it with its GoldAdjustment feature is:
RunScriptLine "Set GoldAdjustment.disabled to 1"
Which simply is to set the variable "disabled" owned by the script "GoldAdjustment" to 1.
I believe it may be possible for me to use that sort of command to influence the Merchant's Barter gold.
I'm not sure what you have in mind...