Progress is mixed right now. Sadly I lost some of the data (file corruption), but had enough back-ups to rebuild

I'm tyring to intergrate everything into a single .esp, and use a .ini file to control things, which seems to be in working order.
Options right now :
1. Allow Economy (Variable Merchant stuff)
2. Allow Mages' Guild Salary
3. Allow Fighters' Guild Salary
4. Allow Imperial Pension
5. Allow Weighted Gold (also effects NPCs)
Things I'm thinking of:
1. NPCs Have More Gold - Option to double Gold found on NPCs (for those who think there isn't enough. Should work with TNO's Gold Adjustment)
2. Bank - I want to integrate the original Bank into this, but need to check some stuff first.
On the issue of TTT's Mod: I don't think it will have any effect, since a) I have no scripts to check for NPC Gold change, and b ) I'm guessing TTT's mod doesn't actually make NPCs spend Gold, just simulate it. I may be able to do something with it, but I'll have to wait until it comes out, and see how it works overall. My immediate thought would be to check any packages added by TTT's Mod (assuming he uses them to make people buy things), and then randomise based on it's presence...