There MAY be an unexpected delay, I'm afraid.
I reported an issue to dev_akm earlier, where OOO was causing CTD. Further testing indicates that the problem lies in CEO, with OOO significantly increasing the chance of it occuring. I believe I know what the issue is, however, and am in the process of testing out a few fixes. Report soon.
OK, it looks like we have success

I've tested for CTD in three known locations, and haven't had one

Just got to fix my LO for UL, and try again (since it was running when I first hit this issue), but it looks like the problem is fixed. It means, however, that CEO won't affect Merchants outside, however I think only Tamriel Travellers adds those, so hopefully it won't be too big of an issue overall, and I may still be able to resolve a way to fix it all together.