You may remember a while ago I released 'The Bank Mod'. Cyrodiil Economic Overhaul (CEO) aims to expand on this idea, and make the Economy of Cyrodiil closer resemble something more real, where Money at least SEEMS important to the NPCs as well as the Player.
As well as Banking, CEO aims to offer:
- Variable Town Economies
Each of Cyrodiil's eight towns (Anvil, Bravil, Bruma, Chorrol, Cheydinhal, Leyawiin, Skingrad and Kvatch), the Imperial City and the Wilderness each have their own economy. These Economies should vary each time the Economy is calculated (defualt, Midnight every day), without presenting extreme changes.
Economies are based on several variables:
- Previous Day's economy
- Economic direction - A town with a good Economy is likely to keep going up; a town with a bad Economy is likely to keep going down - Unless something drastic happens
- Player's Spending - Since the Player is the only one who really spends Gold, their behaviour is calculated
- Seasons - Each town has a 'Good' season and a 'Bad' season, based on its exports/imports/et cetera
- Random - Simulated customers and spending, to give the idea of an independent existence
- The Oblivion Crisis - the longer it goes on, the more it affects the Economy
- Rumours of Necromancers - As sightings of Necromancers increase, and continue, people become uneasy, affeting the Economy
- Variable Merchant Funds
The Gold a Merchant has to haggle with is directly tied to the town's Economy. When the Economy is good, all Merchants in that town will have a higher amount of Gold to haggle with; when the economy is bad, they will have less to haggle with. A Merchant whose Town Economy is good will also be more willing to haggle, offering better prices on good bought and sold than a Merchant whose Town Economy is bad.
- Salaries
Weekly Salaries from the Mage's and Fighter's Guilds (the two 'legitimiate' Guilds); Salaries are equivelant to 200 * Rank. If the Player has a Bank Account, the Money is paid in directly; if not, it magically appears on their person.
- Imperial Pension
Those who have saved Cyrodiil from Mehrunes Dagon gain the Imperial Pension of 500Septims a week, paid in the same manner as Salaries.
- Proposed Features
Some features I'd like to eventually work in :
- Economic Upheaval
Random Chance of external events significantly influencing a Town's Economy. Different levels of change, and a way to inform the Player what has happened realisticlly. Maybe a celebrity moves into the Town, or the Count/ess dies.
- Land Tax
A Tax on each home owned by the Player.
- Horse Tax
Cost of looking after horses.
If you have any comments, ideas or suggestions please feel free to let me know.