well after an hour I finally got Wyre Bash installed and this mod patched with TNR.
It was definetly worth the wait though. I was blown away by how awesome all the NPC's looked. For whatever reason, Alval Uvani still looks the same, but most of the other town's folk look outstanding!
My main complaint: all the clothing looks so cool that I want to murder everyone just to get their clothes!
I'm can't wait until you release the next city!
Wow I'm really glad you enjoyed it and it worked

. As for those NPCs you haven't seen: Alval Uvani for example. I haven't changed any NPCs outside of the Bruma faction, however some NPCs visit Bruma and other cities by occasion. I was thinking of doing Alval along with Algot the Northerner for that reason, however, I find its very difficult to keep track of which NPCs are finished if I have a lot of cross-town changes in different esps. I don't want to have a double entry, so I'm limiting it to those who are located and live in the town itself. As for your complaint, that also was one of my aims

. I want you to feel like you're not the only person who can look good out in the world

P.S. : Don't forget to rate guys! And keep giving me feedback! I still have a lot more to do any all suggestions are useful.