I cant get any of the new clothes to show up on the NPCs. I bashed it into my bashed patch, went to Bruma, and everyone is still in thier vanilla clothes. I also tried checking the box, and same thing. There shouldn't be anything overwriting it since its near the end of my load order.
Make sure my mod is activated and loads before the Bashed Patch before you merge it, or else nothing will happen. Also try going outside of Bruma, then going back in. Sometimes the cells just need to be reloaded.
First of all, thank you very much for that mod, its really looking great.
Nevertheless I got some issues which I can't handle at the moment, so I post it here. Maybe someone can give me a hint.
Here are some screenies:
Try bashing it in Wrye Bash. If that doesn't help then it seems that for some people its necessary to have the altered skeleton that comes with scarves for the Bruma release. I'll add it in a fix. That kind of stretchy anomaly tends to happen when there are graphics cards issues too, but I'll put up the skeleton change and see if it fixes it for now.