FYI, I've timed how long it takes to load each sized worldspace on my PC. That's the loading time before the Game Menu comes up after the Bethesda Softworks intro (which I skip). Once the initial load is done, loading up gamesaves and play load-time is pretty similar. All examples include loading Oblivion.esm (including Shivering Isles), KOTN and all the DLCs:
1. Standard Game: 4 secs.
2. 2x Tamriel: 10 secs.
3. 3x Tamriel: 35-45 secs.
4. 4x: Tamriel 75-202 secs. (the 75 was on a 2nd run, I think windows had cached the ESP files in my 2Gb memory at that point).
You might want to compare the first figure to how long it takes your own system to start up. Apart from playing time, each sized worldspace will affect how long it takes to test each modding change, so a larger worldspace could be quite frustrating. I think a lot of it is processing time whilst it indexes FormIDs, not disk speed related.
You mention a stutter bug the further you get away from the "center" of the world, I presume this is caused by some poorly written code related to large numbers and the position in the world but is this more/less apparent depending on your hardware?
This is an old TES3/4 bug which AFAIK everyone gets. I first heard about it a few years ago in TES3 when people were moving the islands 100+ cells from the world centre with TESfaith where they found a curious quivering effect on all animations. I suspect this is due a chaotic rounding error between the animation position and the extra calculated distance of the player from the world centre since height also adds to the effect. So it's the same bug in TES4, unavoidable for us, but I don't think a major detraction - it's something else to test how people feel about it. It's noticeable from about 30+ cells in vanilla OB when holding weapons or sitting on horses in 3rd person view. You can see it in vanilla OB, just move to a worldspace without borders. e.g.
cow anvilworld 100 0
Then pull out your weapon and watch the hand quivering. Tamrielx4 extends to over 250x250 cells in any direction (353 cells diagonally from the world-centre) and up to 3km high, so do a setpos z to get really high. When you get near the edges of the TES4 gaming world, your head will come out of your backside and your feet, eyes and teeth will be floating somewhere else. e.g.
cow anvilworld 32700 32700
player.setpos z 123456789
It's a freak show.

The thing that makes Cyrodiil feel so much smaller than Vvardenfel is your movement speed, and the hidden terrain. in Morrowind, the movement speed was about half what it is in Ob. Just so you know, since the land mass is actually a little bigger in OB.
I don't want to go off-topic with that because the subject has been done to death in the past. Distantland is only a small part of the problem. The player's movement speed is actually similar in Morrowind and Oblivion, you'll find it takes a similar time for players to run through the same space of land in both games when their stats are set the same (e.g. acrobatics, athletics and speed @ 100). It's only that in the beginning stages the player starts much slower in Morrowind than in Oblivion. But that made an encounter with a mudcrab a wonderfully terrifying prospect. AFAIR the playing area itself is approx 4% bigger in Cyrodiil than Vvardenfell, so it's nothing significant.
IMHO even more important than distant land is that you can just bee-line straight for any destination in Cyrodiil (made ridiculously easy with an objective compass). There are very few geographic obstacles, fewer reasons to get distracted by something interesting on the way, with only repetitively spaced weakened level-scaled suicidal creatures to make it a nuisance, not an interesting threat. In Vvardenfell this was impossible, you had to walk through unavoidable winding valleys that gradually veered unexpectedly off course via strange settlements and hidden ruins with genuinely dangerous opponents and sometimes dead ends. Often you'd end up somewhere different to where you intended. This made the game much more interesting, surprising and lengthy. That is until you became skilled or rich enough to make a constant effect levitating item that is (ooh, I had lovely pair of levitating trousers.

) TES4's horses also make it easy to zig-zag up almost any slope. They make equally light work of Vvardenfell's smooth valley walls. I won't mention fast travel or the myriad of other factors.

Apart from all this, many people were expecting the scale between TES3's Vvardenfell and TES4's Cyrodiil to match Beth's official All the press surrounding the game prior to launch actually spoke of the 60% of unplayable landscape outside of Cyrodiil's borders, not the 6-7 sq miles you could play that was only slightly more than the previous game.
I'm wondering will there be a TESfaith type of tool made to move towns around so that towns can be added from existing mods and so forth. I can't wait for this mod to past testing stages keep up the good work.
I haven't done anything with TES4faith for over a year, that's where I started before I ended up with TESPort, TEStroi, TESAnnwyn, TES4qlod, TES4scale, TES4god-knows-what-else at this rate. Seriously though, the majority of the work porting a mod manually to the new world will not be too hard. Just make a back-up for use with vanilla Oblivion only, then load the mod and the new landscape in the CS, cut and paste the render from the old worldspace to the new landscape (this may require landscape shape changes of course). Make sure the interior doors line up to and from the correct worldspace (not sure if this happens with cut'n'pasted render, it might). Then make sure any scripts and AI packages reference the new world and new co-ordinates; the latter would be the most time consuming I think, but really depends on the mod. TES4scale could do some of the work (essentially it just copies and pastes render to scaled up co-ordinates atm). Uncompiled scripts would be easier to automatically scale than AI packages and path grids though. I'm not going to entertain the idea at this stage though, I've got more than enough to do and honestly would like to mod some day rather than keep fixing the limitations of the original game ... :mellow: