Hi folks, it'll be a few days before there's more progress as I'm heavily rewriting TES4Scale to cope with multiple re-referencing of duplicated records. The old code was getting too hacky and messy so I've mostly trashed it and started a better rewrite. This will make it easier to preserve other CELL record details such as exterior cell water heights, ownership and regions as well as duplicating other worldspace specific records, scaling them and fixing FormID references. But it'll take a bit of time. Just scaling the region (REGN) record points themselves wasn't enough for me to test region generation as I need them assigned to the correct CELL records too.
Testing region generation will be the next task, but I've no reason to think it won't work.
Given that mods plus an "old" character with a fair few hours on it can make load times significantly longer I am thinking that 4x will simply be unplayable and 3x will be pushing it. Just my thoughts, which do you think is the most plausible solution Lightwave?
On my system any poor FPS is usually down to huge AI lag as the test files I put up use the original NPCs with AI packages specific to the Tamriel worldspace. Unfortunately you can't disable AI until after you've loaded your first gamesave to test whether this is the only cause on your system. But once disabled in the console this should no longer affect test load times and in-game playing performance - so it's worth trying that. Apart from the AI problem and the initial load I haven't personally noticed any real FPS differences between 1x, 2x and 3x. Btw, how long does it take your PC to get to the initial main menu with a 3x landscape loaded?
Psychologically 3x shouldn't feel bad, 3rd time lucky, everything happens in 3s.

Also the Vvardenfell:Cyrodiil map surface area difference is probably closer to 3x than any other (though this is a guestimate - I haven't tried counting the actual surface area). Splitting the world into 2 or 3 smaller ESPs is possible, though does complicate the management a bit and trying to create an AI package to walk from city to another might force people to load all the ESPs anyway to avoid errors. On the plus side, all the LOD (land and objects) would be visible even if just one of the files is loaded, so it's still possible to test smaller mod chunks and get the feeling you're in the bigger world.
Thanks but they're definitely amongst the hardest ways of going about the task and with lots of complications - it would almost be simpler to just start with a completely new heightmap with more intricate features, but that would be an unrealistic amount of work. This method is really quick and is working pretty well.
Vality7 is correct in pointing out that any non-linear
horizontal:vertical combination will not work well for any the placed content as it's is either going to be spread out or meshes will end up overlapping one another. The landscape would be OK though. The content is possible to fix in the render window - if we are going to region generate then I can just import, say, architecture type records which will make it easier to locate settlements and fix the layout in the render window. But that will mean more work in the CS.
The critically flawed assumption is this: Morrowind is the first Elder Scrolls game (which it isn't).
I'm not sure how you arrived at that assumption. TES3/TES4 are at core the same game engines, at an absolute scale to themselves (no imaginary vast wilderness) and with the same length measurement systems. With players able to travel back and forth between Cyrodiil and Vvardenfell in both game engines it's then distinctly obvious to the player that the relative size of both lands is greatly disproportionate to what might be expected in written lore or with a map and it's worse when viewing the distantland from the other province in either game. TES1/TES2 are from different generations (they're DOS) and not directly comparable.
Most importantly and even in isolation on it's own game engine, Oblivion's Cyrodiil
is too small, in the way it looks, plays and feels, with tiny villages called towns that fail to capture the feeling of a sizable town or a diverse world - more ambient sound would probably help for a start, the streets seem dead without it, but the IC is a mere fort on an island. As the capital province in Tamriel, Cyrodiil is supposed to be large, but it doesn't feel that way, so I'm hoping to move towards capturing that in the most productive, sensible and achievable way.
Also I've already pointed out that movement speed with the same stats is virtually the same in TES3 and TES4, it's the traversability of terrain that's the biggest factor, but there really are a multitude of importany factors and realistically we're not going to make it look any bigger without actually making it bigger.
I'm just wondering, how could one do this for a completely new landmass? Is there a special program, or is it all done in the CS?
These scaled landmasses are exported and imported from the original heightmap using a program called TESAnnwyn. It's not possible to do the same in the CS without masses of work, re-texturing and splitting it in to smaller mod files to get around the CS active-mode memory limitation. If you want to create your own landmass though there are many ways to do it, and there's always something going on in the Construction Set forums.