I've made some initial http://www.projectmanager.f2s.com/morrowind/Tamrielx3/index.html (just the landscape). That's approx 250 sq miles and over 66,000 cells. I'll leave my PC to generate the placed content (approx 4 hours) to test whether or not the trees and rocks start to look ridiculous. Turns out the Construction Set can't generate LOD meshes for some of this mountainous terrain - it comes back with "terrain too complex" :wacko: and then tries the next quad instead, so I'll have to write a basic regular-spaced mesh generator, shouldn't be too hard; optimized generation can be done later ...
I'm sure the next one will only be for amusemant value, but the 4x scale heightmap (1000sq+ miles) is also currently importing; the layered texture maps and heightmap take up over 2 DVDs (over 8.5GB) so it'll be a while.

Would it be possible to stretch just the Landscape and Markers? Then, you could magically increase the distances between everything using the well known 'do-whatever-I-want' script. Simply replace the sarcasm with some kind of realistic method and you could do it

Well, also having the wilderness objects in their correct positions is a great bonus, unless someone with enough experience is willing to trust the CS region generator at re-populating the wilderness (the placement data would be the same as the original game, which eases the presets a great deal). I'll have to get markers linked back up with cloned interiors anyway, so this will happen. And if you want to copy an existing city layout well that's easy right now - just copy and paste the render from the Tamriel worldspace in to the Tamrielx2 worldspace and see how it looks; both worldspaces can co-exist in the CS and game quite happily.

Now you seem to be talking about enlarging cities (not scaling, adding more houses) when you've reach a consensus on a nice scale of this new world. Wouldn't that take like... several years to complete?
I don't think it'll be nearly that bad, primarily because this is Cyrodiil; I'd guess that more people have ideas on how this mod should look than any other.

There'll be plenty of people with ideas about how they feel it
should have been done. Also towns like the IC can be worked on as separate districts. There are lots of high quality city builders out there - for example both Princess Stomper and Vality7 did some great stuff for Cyrodiil in TES3 earlier in the year. Also most of the meshes for rebuilding Cyrodiil are already part of the original game - what holds most mods up is not having the right meshes for the style of the world. Probably most of the time would end up going to interiors since it's easy to place a building but far harder to fill it. Then of course there's the final question; what to do with it all? Make quests, add a real storyline to it, or leave it as a huge modding resource? :shrug: It all depends on how interested people get ... but I'm not going to commit myself or anyone to anything I don't think is realistic.