Cyrodiil Scaled x 2

Post » Tue Feb 15, 2011 2:24 am

Probably, so we'll have to make huge compatibility patches.

Possibly not, it really depends on how well the UL changes look when scaled. The next release of TESAnnwyn (the one I'm using to make these scaled landscapes) will preserve all the texturing whilst scaling the landscape, whilst the other program, TES4Scale (which I'll probably release sometime just for the brave) will scale up the position of all the placed objects; the original problem of making them sit on the landscape still remains though and apart from re-generating the content with the region generator the only other reliable way is to scale those placed objects too; the two programs make relatively light work of this though.

One thing I can see I'll need to add to TESAnnwyn is a CELL FormID dump so that a newly mported landscape can be used to over-ride the same cells in another mod-file.

Still, people will have to compare the scales before anything can start and I'm still generating the 3x files ...


p.s. Tsssk, my down cursor key hasn't been working on my keyboard for 3 days now ... it's a 14-year old old Cherry 101 key thing, pre-Windows95 ... shame 'cos it still feels like the day I bought it ... :(
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Natalie Taylor
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Post » Tue Feb 15, 2011 3:27 am

OMFG, amazing work as always, Lightwave!

Where giants rule, eh?

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Scotties Hottie
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Post » Tue Feb 15, 2011 2:46 am

The thing that makes Cyrodiil feel so much smaller than Vvardenfel is your movement speed, and the hidden terrain. in Morrowind, the movement speed was about half what it is in Ob. Just so you know, since the land mass is actually a little bigger in OB.
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Philip Lyon
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Post » Tue Feb 15, 2011 2:27 pm

Would it be possible to stretch just the Landscape and Markers? Then, you could magically increase the distances between everything using the well known 'do-whatever-I-want' script. Simply replace the sarcasm with some kind of realistic method and you could do it :P

You could just leave all the spawn markers and mapmarkers where they are, and then move all the cities and villages and caves etc to that location; then it would be a 'simple' task to remove all of the trees and shrubs and reinstate them... difficult but potentially rewarding!:)
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Michael Russ
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Post » Tue Feb 15, 2011 10:56 am

I'm very interested in this. Scaling the world sounds wonderful! Too small worlds is a problem in pretty much every single game out there.

Now you seem to be talking about enlarging cities (not scaling, adding more houses) when you've reach a consensus on a nice scale of this new world.
Wouldn't that take like... several years to complete? Considering the time it takes for a modding team to build one city in the standard oblivion scale? :)

I'm not complaining or anything, it just feels like a sickly massive piece of work. But well, if someone did it, I'd want it for sure!
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Sammie LM
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Post » Tue Feb 15, 2011 6:06 am

Wouldn't that take like... several years to complete? Considering the time it takes for a modding team to build one city in the standard oblivion scale? :)
There are already some "Complete [Insert your city here] Overhaul"-mods out there, maybe they could be used for that.
But as far as I got it, Lightwave is not going to do that all on his own - The scale is more a proof of concept than a real mod or total conversion.
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Red Bevinz
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Post » Tue Feb 15, 2011 5:43 am

I've made some initial (just the landscape). That's approx 250 sq miles and over 66,000 cells. I'll leave my PC to generate the placed content (approx 4 hours) to test whether or not the trees and rocks start to look ridiculous. Turns out the Construction Set can't generate LOD meshes for some of this mountainous terrain - it comes back with "terrain too complex" :wacko: and then tries the next quad instead, so I'll have to write a basic regular-spaced mesh generator, shouldn't be too hard; optimized generation can be done later ...

I'm sure the next one will only be for amusemant value, but the 4x scale heightmap (1000sq+ miles) is also currently importing; the layered texture maps and heightmap take up over 2 DVDs (over 8.5GB) so it'll be a while. :D

Would it be possible to stretch just the Landscape and Markers? Then, you could magically increase the distances between everything using the well known 'do-whatever-I-want' script. Simply replace the sarcasm with some kind of realistic method and you could do it :P
Well, also having the wilderness objects in their correct positions is a great bonus, unless someone with enough experience is willing to trust the CS region generator at re-populating the wilderness (the placement data would be the same as the original game, which eases the presets a great deal). I'll have to get markers linked back up with cloned interiors anyway, so this will happen. And if you want to copy an existing city layout well that's easy right now - just copy and paste the render from the Tamriel worldspace in to the Tamrielx2 worldspace and see how it looks; both worldspaces can co-exist in the CS and game quite happily. :)

Now you seem to be talking about enlarging cities (not scaling, adding more houses) when you've reach a consensus on a nice scale of this new world. Wouldn't that take like... several years to complete?
I don't think it'll be nearly that bad, primarily because this is Cyrodiil; I'd guess that more people have ideas on how this mod should look than any other. ;) There'll be plenty of people with ideas about how they feel it should have been done. Also towns like the IC can be worked on as separate districts. There are lots of high quality city builders out there - for example both Princess Stomper and Vality7 did some great stuff for Cyrodiil in TES3 earlier in the year. Also most of the meshes for rebuilding Cyrodiil are already part of the original game - what holds most mods up is not having the right meshes for the style of the world. Probably most of the time would end up going to interiors since it's easy to place a building but far harder to fill it. Then of course there's the final question; what to do with it all? Make quests, add a real storyline to it, or leave it as a huge modding resource? :shrug: It all depends on how interested people get ... but I'm not going to commit myself or anyone to anything I don't think is realistic.
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Post » Tue Feb 15, 2011 7:21 am

This effectively proves the concept for a metamod that i've been kicking around for a while now. The only reason that I havn't said anything about it until now is the problem of my current skills, the current time i have available to devote to any project and the difficulty i've noticed with pulling together teams. Who knows, maybe you'll hear more about it in a month or so.

ahem, back on topic: Love this poc mod, and I look forward to getting my chance to play it (just less than 3 weeks until my self-imposed exile from Cyrodiil ends).
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Post » Tue Feb 15, 2011 4:38 pm

Nice pictures there!
Hey, Lightwave, do you think you could throw in some standard sized NPCs and/or houses on some of those "city foundations" just to show how large the areas really are?

I think I need something to show me how impressive a city that size would really be. I guess one little house would be enough :)
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Anna S
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Post » Tue Feb 15, 2011 2:19 pm

I've made some initial (just the landscape). That's approx 250 sq miles and over 66,000 cells. I'll leave my PC to generate the placed content (approx 4 hours) to test whether or not the trees and rocks start to look ridiculous. Turns out the Construction Set can't generate LOD meshes for some of this mountainous terrain - it comes back with "terrain too complex" :wacko: and then tries the next quad instead, so I'll have to write a basic regular-spaced mesh generator, shouldn't be too hard; optimized generation can be done later ...

I'm sure the next one will only be for amusemant value, but the 4x scale heightmap (1000sq+ miles) is also currently importing; the layered texture maps and heightmap take up over 2 DVDs (over 8.5GB) so it'll be a while. :D


The more and more I see what is being done/concept-ed, the more it excites me! Like I said before, I can easily see this becoming something quite big with the right leadership. Plus, with all that space available, many more unique locations to visit!

I could possibly see making my own unreleased town adjusted for such a mod too. With the added bonus of being within a small worldspace (for fps and such).
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danni Marchant
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Post » Tue Feb 15, 2011 5:59 am

Some of those mountains are starting to look majestic at 3X scale!
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Joe Bonney
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Post » Tue Feb 15, 2011 5:48 am

I've made some initial (just the landscape). That's approx 250 sq miles and over 66,000 cells.

Wow! That's very impressive! :thumbsup:
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aisha jamil
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Post » Tue Feb 15, 2011 7:31 pm

Now there can actually be a "wilderness." I personally would love to see a conversion do this. It irritated me that supposedly forgotten ruins east of the Niben are still not really far from civilization. The only one that started to seem different was Malada. I smile just thinking of how the trek would be getting to it on 3X scale. Hehe, bring the portable camp!

Also, if somehow this actually were made, UL NEEDS to be made compatible...theirs adds character this would add the scale!
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Franko AlVarado
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Post » Tue Feb 15, 2011 11:12 am

God Bless YOU!!!
I've tryed to make same thing many time but i've always failed (many bugs)
in my counts Cyrodiil must 4x from original size
I don't know how you avoid the bugs in TES CS but you are Great!!
you mod I believe -must be a masterfile for all other mods for Oblivion
i've a dream to rebuilt IC like true capital as in Lore
if you need i try to help you))
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Sherry Speakman
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Post » Tue Feb 15, 2011 7:55 pm

Great POC. Would be great if FCOM and all of my other mods had patches to take advantage of the larger scale. :D
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GEo LIme
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Post » Tue Feb 15, 2011 9:42 am

One thing that always bothered me was how steep everything was. From the little hills to the ramps inside oblivion strongholds, everything was unrealistically steep. If something like this were ever made, I think 4x horizontally and 2x vertically would be about right.
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Post » Tue Feb 15, 2011 7:39 pm

4x keep enough place in global map for other provinces)) no more no less
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Post » Tue Feb 15, 2011 1:50 pm

Wow, if someone actually took this and ran with it, it would be really kick-ass. Back over the summer I was actually thinking of starting a mod project to do just this. In truth though the greatest part about it would be the oppurtunity to fix things that Beth left out-- Leyawin could actually be a jungle. I would be willing to adapt my as of yet unreleased¤t=ScreenShot10-1.jpg¤t=ScreenShot11-1.jpg for this. If someone goes ahead, I wouldn't mind helping with some landscaping/moving old city exteriors into the new worldspace. I also have access to speedtree, so if someone provides me textures and billboards, I can generate them new trees.
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Post » Tue Feb 15, 2011 2:40 pm

sweet. maybe in tes 5 they may do something like this.
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Sebrina Johnstone
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Post » Tue Feb 15, 2011 7:29 pm

I'm really impressed by this and would be more than happy to put time and effort into helping to repopulate the world and get it all working if your looking for team memebers.

However, I don't seem to be able to get it to work right at the moment. The distant lod textures are all messed up, it looks like it's reading in junk (Jusst a bunch of crazy colours and black squares). Oddly enough it's not doing the purple LOD thing that happens if when the distant textures haven't been generated.

I thought perhaps it was some other mod I had installed at some point so I did a fresh install (with Knights of the nine and Shivering Isle) And tried again and got the same issue. I'll give it a try as just a base oblivion install (patched up to the latest version) and see if that works. Could it be some sort of confilict with the Shivering Isle's distant land perhaps? ( Do you have shiverign isles installed?) I read somewhere that mods that add distant land would conflict with each other due to the way the construction set addressed them.

Either way keep up the good work! Lookng forward to seeing how this develops. :)

On the matter of item placement and scaling, can your program distinguish between types of items? If it can, not scaling or only doing limited scaling on cirtain classes of objects (Rocks, Trees, etc) Might be a good way to get a balance for the item placment. After all it's only objects that are linked together that will get messed up if they're not scaled by the same factor as the landscape.
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Big Homie
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Post » Tue Feb 15, 2011 5:19 pm

please put your mod to rapidshare
there are very slow download in this file's host
PS 4x pleeeeeeeaaaaaasseee
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Roy Harris
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Post » Tue Feb 15, 2011 5:34 am

please put your mod to rapidshare
there are very slow download in this file's host
PS 4x pleeeeeeeaaaaaasseee

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Shirley BEltran
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Post » Tue Feb 15, 2011 6:42 am

It does look absolutely incredible :)

I'll be interested to see if anyone can get it to work, especially with other mods.
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Christie Mitchell
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Post » Tue Feb 15, 2011 6:04 pm

Wow, this makes me want to roleplay a cursed character who has been shrunken and weakened (by tossing in some difficulty enhancing mods). Pity it would have massive compatibility issues at this point.

Good work!
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Melanie Steinberg
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Post » Tue Feb 15, 2011 12:05 pm

It does look absolutely incredible :)

I'll be interested to see if anyone can get it to work, especially with other mods.

That would be wonderful. As awesome as it looks as huge and simply mindblowing in it's exspansiveness I don't think many will want to give up their heavily modded/"fixed" Oblivions for a larger one.
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