Yet starting from scratch on that scale is a truly considerable amount of work; it's 9x or 16x as much area to cover, and can we get 16x as many placement modders as Bethesda had working on this for the same amount of time it took them to complete the task? All that is potentially still usable are the door links to interiors (caves etc), travel markers and possibly the IC city walls. The remaining wilderness will require using the region generator, with each region split in to sub-regions to avoid the CS crashing. Luckily AFAIK Oblivion.esm still has Bethesda's region generator presets and it's only the objects that need the placing, no re-texturing. Then existing settlements and ruins need recreating (yes, you could be lazy and just copy with 1x render from the Tamriel worldspace I suppose, but for each town the idea is to actually make a small town out of them, not copy the one street version). And finally it needs a purpose, or the mod itself is just a modding resource. :shrug:
On the other hand 2x is the option for the least amount of work; just the towns, villages and ruins require recreating (copying 1x render temporarily could be used as a stand-in measure I guess) - there's 4x as much space to enlarge them and create some additional settlements in between. I'll upload the 2x mod files to another site over the weekend, maybe upload the 3x files too. I still consider them a bit 'alpha' quality because the placement data is slightly off, but the landscape is pretty close so they're good for testing out ideas.
Ugh, so many options.

The game's LOD display range is very low however and this would be a problem with non-proportional scaling - inclinations would be less noticable. It's already a problem at 3x scale where you can't even see all the IC from a little way up the opposite bank. Getting lost in a 4x scale map with such limited LOD range would I think be tedious for most people.
To properly consider 3x (and even 4x) we need help from someone in the know such as a developer; there might be some Oblivion.ini parameters to increase the number of landscape quads to display at any time and also decrease the fogging effect. Does anyone have any knowledge on this? :confused:
Since these are in completely separate worldspaces, any mod will require additional work to move it to the new worldspace, though for the most part that's copying and pasting the render and recompiling AI packages and scripts so they refer to the cells in the new worldspace. But due to all the cross-referencing of FormIDs they won't work straight out of the box like a TES3 mod would unfortunately. Also, mods that modify land wouldn't 'fit' right, so they'd need to be put through TESAnnwyn and TES4Scale to appear as they did in the original Tamriel. Mods that use other worldspaces could be modified easily though - they just need a new door to link to the new worldspace.
I'll investigate full scaling of all Oblivion.esm records at some point, but there are so many FormID references, it's a toughy, and I think a handful of records are still not well understood yet ...
That's really worth a try. You're the 3rd person I've heard from in the last 2 months that's described something like this with DistantLand textures, always patched with the latest version. It sounds like it might be a combination of graphics drivers, the latest patch version and the DDS files produced by TES4qLOD. Personally I'm running a GeForce 7900GTX - I haven't patched since Shivering Isles, and KOTN is also installed. I'm using S3's original (9 year old) DDS converter program to make the actual dds files but AFAIK these have worked fine for everyone up until very recently.
I have seen random weird black patchy bits on close-up landscape textures and VisibleWhenDistant objects on mods in the past though which I'm sure is down to a texture memory bug - it only happens with lots of meshes+textures. But I haven't seen it on DistantLand textures myself. If you rename your Data\DistantLOD directory temporarily and run the game with just the landscape ESP (don't load tamx2-placed.esp), do you still get the same problem?
p.s. I will put up some pics of the 1x IC render on the various scale landscapes so you can visually see how much extra space there is to build.