2. Download Options:
ii. http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=13911
iii. VirtualVault (UK):
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It has long been a gripe of many that Cyrodiil is just too small, the cities are mere villages and a 10 minute trek from the capital takes you to the edge of the visitable world. Compared to TES3: Morrowind, the playable game size of the original TES4: Oblivion is virtually identical, which means the landscape was created approx 2.5x-3x too small and broke the size relationships in the lore maps. This has been exacerbated since the TES4: Vvardenfell project got under way which also scales the gameworld from Morrowind by 2x (some random land screenies http://www.projectmanager.f2s.com/morrowind/2x2/index.html and with buildings in http://www.silgrad.com/wbb2/thread.php?threadid=8021&page=2).
These are fully visitable 100 and 250 square mile landscapes with all the city buildings in the main worldspace (so you'll have to toggle off clipping to move through city walls and explore inside the towns). Everything exterior - including child worldspaces and all placed objects and NPCs - are 2x or 3x the original scale. This doesn't include interiors or any door links, so it is provided for fun, testing and/or as as modding resource.
Its goal is to test the plausibility of 2x/3x scaled up Cyrodiil worldspaces; i.e. does it still look realistic, or does it look like a giant's land instead? To my eye the land looks fine; road widths are fine (and probably still too narrow for an Imperial capital province) and mountain scales stretch more realistically in to the distance, reaching up to 1.5km in the 2x landscape, 2.25km on 3x. The double scaling offers 4x more playable surface area and 4x more space to rebuild a city. The triple scaling offers 9x as much space. The current giant architecture (and accidentally scaled giant NPCs which are obviously wrong) are just there to aid your bearings and a consequence of everything else being scaled and placed at the same time (including trees, rocks etc); the idea would be to replace them entirely with more bigger towns, more streets, more atmosphere, so please don't complain about them.

I don't know how much interest there is in someone starting up a mod and rebuilding the cities so consider this a 'feeler'. I'll contact Cryonaut, the modder that first seriously asked the question about scaling and see if he's still interested in starting such a project. Theoretically it would be possible to link the exteriors back to interiors and possibly (though not much fun) to scale up the AI package and script co-ordinates; if so it would be possible to scale the original game (including storyline)
The size of this mod is impossible to achieve using just the Construction Set, so I've written 3 programs to aid the purpose; TESAnnwyn (for importing/exporting textured heightmaps), TES4Scale (for importing placement data from one worldspace to another worldspace at a different scale) and TES4qLOD (for quickly generating DistantLand LOD textures and VisibleWhenDistant LOD object files). For the curious, here are some statistical comparisons between the two worldspaces:
Approx Area: 26 square miles (only approx 40% or 10sq miles is playable due to region borders).
Tallest mountain: 750 metres.
2. Tamrielx2 Worldspace (Tamrielx2.esp)
Approx No. of cells: 66,000+ (much deep underwater wilderness was deliberately not imported).
Approx Area: 100+ square miles (all entirely visitable).
Tallest mountain: 1,500 metres.
3. Tamrielx3 Worldspace (Tamrielx3.esp)
No. of cells: 155,976 (much deep underwater wilderness was deliberately not imported).
Approx Area: 250+ square miles (all entirely visitable).
Tallest mountain: 2,250 metres.
No. of cells: 276,576 (much deep underwater wilderness was deliberately not imported).
Approx Area: 1000+ square miles (all entirely visitable).
Tallest mountain: 3,000 metres.
In the meantime, have some fun with it. A readme is also included. You'll probably have to toggle off AI (tai in the console) if you experience sudden unexplained lags; I think the AI packages on many NPCs are still trying to get them back to the original Tamriel worldspace. I've also generated a textured 4x landscape with all the placed content, I'm just programming the LOD for it. I tried an untextured 4x world in February and that also worked fine, but it was huge - the tallest mountain was 3km and it took over 15 mins just to descend the mountains on horse. Something that big could be too tedious to play and too arduous a task to mod.
* edit * Added more download links.