Cyrodiil Shattered

Post » Sun May 01, 2011 2:32 pm

Jazirr Rasheed, Castle Bravil

Jazirr walked through the streets of Bravil. Once in a while he stopped to look at the shaggy buildings and the odd inhabitants. It amazed him that even though Nur'Al and Bravil were closely placed, Bravil seemed so alien to him. Even the Khajiit that lived here seemed different. I guess that's the influence living in Cyrodiil has on you, he thought.

At one place he saw a building with an interesting piece of ceramic glass adjorning the front of the building. Reconizing it as the Bravil Mages Guild, he stepped inside. He couldn't help but let out a little chuckle as he saw the poor state this establishment. So this is the great Cyrodiilic Mages Guild? Knowing an opportunity when he saw one, he deicded to spread the word about his academy in Nur'Al a bit around in the guild. They'd be better off training under him anyways.

After his sightseeing in the city, he headed back to the castle. As he entered, he met the steward.
"Steward, please tell lord Ri'Vassa that I wish to meet with him and his subordinates as fast as possible. I grow tired of waiting"
The steward nodded and headed off.
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Post » Sun May 01, 2011 9:02 pm

High Chancellor Ocato, White Gold Tower

Ocato heard the knocking from the door, but didn't rise immediately, as he chose to finish the paragraph in the book he was reading. THe knocking continued, and finally, he rose to answer it, his robes trailing on the floor behind him,, as he unlocked the door to see a tower guard standing there.

"What?" asked the Altmer.

"High Chancellor." the guard muttered, dipping into a low bow before continuing. "An Altmer wishes to speak with you. He seems like he is part of the Legion."

Ocato raised an eyebrow, as he sighed, not enjoying dealing with the Legion so much. "I shall be down in a few minutes." he told him, before closing the door to change into more public wear robes, then opening the door again, and walking to the stairs.

The High Chancellor swept down the stairs, feeling slightly refreshed from his long sleep, as he made his way to the mer who was waiting to speak to him. He noticed he was a fellow Altmer, as he came up to him, sending the guards away with a wave of his hand.

"So good mer, what brings you here? he asked.

Captain Borillus

The scout came galloping back towards the large column of men, as the Captain rode forwards to meet up with him. The two men stopped next to each other, giving quick salutes before getting down to business.

"What's there to report soldier?" Captain Borillus asked. He had sent the man north to scout out the mysterious force that had attacked Hackdirt, so they would no if any moves had been made. The Captain also sent a scout out further west to see if any enemy reinforcements were coming, and a scout far north to see where General Vallenturas' Legion was at the moment.

"It doesn't look like they have moved from Hackdirt Captain." the scout said. "It just looks like they've been looting the village heavily, and a disgusting scent lies in the air, but nothing more then that." he finished.

Captain Borillus thought for a second, not sure what to think of the smell, and he figured Hackdirt would be razed to the ground. But now it was a war of expert timing, as he needed to co-ordinate with General Vallenturas nearly perfectly to achieve a total victory in the battle ahead.

"Thank you soldier." he said shortly, thinking again. "If your up to it, I would like you to conyinues keeping an eye out on that town. Make a line of scouts, because I want messages coming in frequently, so we don't get caught off guard."

The scout saluted his CAptain. "Yessir!" before galloping away, calling out for a half dozeen scouts to follow him as he began explaining the plan.

The Captain turned back to his under-commanders, who had rode up to meet him. "We wait here." he instructed. "Until we here from General Vallenturas, we don't move an inch further." he said, glancing around, his gaze stopping on a rather wide hill just a hundred yards or so to their east. It wasn't high, or steep, but it was very wide, like a flat plateau of grass, and it was fairly devoid of trees, though many scraggly looking bushes sat in abundance on top.

"Correction." he said slowly. "We don't move another inch north, but we will move onto that hill up there." he said pointing in that direction. "Get 'em moving!" he barked, as the men around him saluted and rode off, calling out orders along the column. Another scout rode fast north to tell the scouts already up there of the change of position, as the column shifted east, and began its march to the hill.

General Arcturas Vallenturas, South of Odiil Farm and Weynon Priory

The General marched his men hard through the forested land, and finally the chapel in Weynon Priory could no longer be seen, as they kept on marching late into the day. His scouts had been reporting nothing about Hackdirt, only mentioning a smell and heavy looting, but Arcturas couldn't guess at what the smell was.

However, the fact was they would reach Hackdirt just before nightfall, and now he had the challenge of deciding whether or not to fight in the night, or wait till the sun rose again. Few knew just how hard it was to command an army in the dark of the night, because it was too hard to make out the enemies formations, movements and such even if torches were flared up in mass. Unfortunately, he had no idea what kind of commander he went up against, and whether or not he had fought nighttime battles before.

Arcturas had fought three, all victories, but all of them were mainly because he fought poorly armed troops, with a commander less skilled at night then he was. There was little word on the troops of the enemy at Hackdirt, but it seemed like they had decent equipment. He needed more info on their commander though, though without it, he assumed he would be going up against a leader as skilled as himself. That was always his rule.

His men marched on behind him, their feet hitting the ground in almost perfect unison, and Arcturas was sure the men at HAckdirt could feel the power of what was about to befall them.

Good. was all the General thought.

Count Luspinian Maraennius, Castle Chorrol

The young Count was sitting in the Great Hall, a bored expression on his face as he listened to two peasents complain about the land rights of their farms which sat next to each other. Luspinian found the whole thing quite tedious, and it could've been solved by finding a document which had the border marked clearly. But he was bored, and a little anxious as the scout from Vallenturas still had not come in yet.

He sat up quickly as that very same man he had been thinking of burst into his Hall, stopping the peasent short as he marched up to the Count, kneeling low before rising and speaking. "Good Count," he began, "I bring word from General Vallenturas regarding his recent moves." he said clearly.

The Count wiped the slightly astonished look from his face, as he motioned for the man to continue.

"As you may know, he has abandoned his plan to march north, and has instead turned south to face the threat at Hackdirt." he said strongly. "He wishes for you to tighten up the cities defenses in his absence, as the Nords are unpredictable." he said.

The Count looked over, frowning to see that Aldos wasn't in his usual postion, then turned back to the man. "Thank you good sir, for the message and the warning. General Vallius has already seen to tightening the defenses, as he arrived here a few hours ago."

"Vallius?" the scout asked. "I must speak with him at once. A messenger was sent south but I fear he hasn't gotten the message. Where can he be found?" he asked quickly.

The Count thought about where the man had said he was going, as well as where he had been said to be last. "He should be somewhere near the south gate." he said uncertainly.

The scout nodded, and bowed. "Thank you for your time." he said, before exiting the castle quickly, running down the hill to find the General. He had to look around town for a while, but eventually he found the man. He ran up to him, stopping in front and saluting him.

"General Vallius, I have a message from General Vallenturas for you." he said before continuing. "He says to move your Legion south, towards Fort Dirich, but not to pass Hackdirt, so that a group of invaders can be driven back." he said quickly, waiting for the man response.
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Post » Sun May 01, 2011 7:25 pm

High Chancellor Ocato, White Gold Tower

Ocato heard the knocking from the door, but didn't rise immediately, as he chose to finish the paragraph in the book he was reading. THe knocking continued, and finally, he rose to answer it, his robes trailing on the floor behind him,, as he unlocked the door to see a tower guard standing there.

"What?" asked the Altmer.

"High Chancellor." the guard muttered, dipping into a low bow before continuing. "An Altmer wishes to speak with you. He seems like he is part of the Legion."

Ocato raised an eyebrow, as he sighed, not enjoying dealing with the Legion so much. "I shall be down in a few minutes." he told him, before closing the door to change into more public wear robes, then opening the door again, and walking to the stairs.

The High Chancellor swept down the stairs, feeling slightly refreshed from his long sleep, as he made his way to the mer who was waiting to speak to him. He noticed he was a fellow Altmer, as he came up to him, sending the guards away with a wave of his hand.

"So good mer, what brings you here? he asked.

Elindrin bowed deeply before Ocato. "My Lord Chancellor Ocato, I am Officer Elindrin. I'm sure you've heard of my operations destroying bandit and smuggler groups in the great forest and the rumare lake." He said "I apoligise for disturbing you but this is a most Urgent matter that i must inform you of. My scouts report a large force of Cavalry has occupied the town of Hackdirt, it is most likely the West. Our scouts estimate estimate them to be a large force of thousands of men. Apparently they slaughtered Hackdirt. I request permission to move my forces south to scout them or join up with any legion force that has noticed them. It's likely that skingrad and Chorral have already noticed and sent men. I await your orders, Chancellor?" Stated Elindrin in a respectful and polite voice.

Elindrin didn't have many plans, he couldn't do much unless he got a closer look at the Camp.

(OOC: Sorry for short post)
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Jesus Duran
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Post » Sun May 01, 2011 9:41 pm


General Arillius stood listening to the messanger as he told him his new orders. Maximus was a bit angered at the fact that his men has just marched to Chorrol, and were now ordered to Fort Dirich. But he didn't say much to it.

"Thank you messanger, tell Vallenturas that I will move my Legion to Dirich. And if he is coming to Chorrol, give him this!"

Maximus handed the messanger the notebook of his notes he had taken on improving the defences of Chorrol. Maximus walked away, and headed to grab his gear. He looked to his guards with an obvious order.

"Get the Legion ready, we are to march to Fort Dirich. And we will avoid Hackdirt for the time!"

"Yes sir!"

The guards ran off, and began spreading the word to the Legionnaires. Maximus was not excited to move to Fort Dirich, he wanted to stand and defend Chorrol. Fort Dirich he figured was well enough defended that it could hold off an attack from the West or North. After getting geared up, the Legion began forming up into their marching formation, and awaited Maximus to move out. Peasants and others from Chorrol gathered around in curiousity as the Legion finally formed up, and marched out to Fort Dirich.


Commander Garnic and the Legion continued to make the battlements around and in Skingrad as people watched in curiosity. Garnic didn't know if Skingrad would be attacked, but if it was, they would be ready to face it. The West would not take Skingrad in a thousand years Garnic thought to himself.

"Sir, where do you want this?"

A soldiers said holding another tree trunk spear.

"Over there, keep them well spaced. But not to spaced, we want to take out their cavalry!"

The men continued working.
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Laura Mclean
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Post » Sun May 01, 2011 2:47 pm

OOC: Okay, this is slightly pissing me off, everyone is knowing my army that attacked Hackdirt belongs to the state of Anvil, with no inditcation, and now you all are fortifying Fort Dirich, why fortify Fort Dirich when Fort Carmala is closer to Hackdirt? Unless, you armies magically know I'm planning to take Fort Dirich.
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Post » Mon May 02, 2011 3:24 am

OOC: Okay, this is slightly pissing me off, everyone is knowing my army that attacked Hackdirt belongs to the state of Anvil, with no inditcation, and now you all are fortifying Fort Dirich, why fortify Fort Dirich when Fort Carmala is closer to Hackdirt? Unless, you armies magically know I'm planning to take Fort Dirich.

None of us know for sure its the West, its just a guess. BladeMaster's characters and mine don't know for sure its the West, its just more likely that the West would attack Hackdirt rather than the Nords. And fortifying Fort Dirich is our buisness.
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clelia vega
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Post » Sun May 01, 2011 1:10 pm

OOC: Okay, this is slightly pissing me off, everyone is knowing my army that attacked Hackdirt belongs to the state of Anvil, with no inditcation, and now you all are fortifying Fort Dirich, why fortify Fort Dirich when Fort Carmala is closer to Hackdirt? Unless, you armies magically know I'm planning to take Fort Dirich.

I left Fort Dirich..... And such is the confusion of communicating with no radios and such. Dr. Strangelove will go to Fort Dirich and I wont be there, perhaps making things a little chaotic. And none of the Forts are really that defensible, because they are all broken down and such.

And did you really expect to march that deep into my territory and not get spotted? Especially with huge body fires? Not when Chorrol had extended their patrols out so far. And we don't "know" that you belong to teh West. At least I don't. My characters assumed (assumed being the key word there).

Nobody is fortifying Fort Dirich. My camp was outside of the Fort if you had bothered to read it, and now they are nowhere near Fort Dirich, but Dr. Strangelove will be, and I won't, thus enters the confusion.

We have no idea your going to attack Fort Dirich, hence why we left. Dr. Strangelove was going to meet up with the 3rd Legion at Fort Dirich but the 3rd left, and now the area around it is empty. Read entire posts before saying all these things. :)

EDIT: My apologies for the OOC post only.
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Steven Nicholson
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Post » Sun May 01, 2011 5:22 pm

OOC: Sorry I just got a little peeved, I hardly noticed you leaving Fort Dirich :P I suppose both of those things could make this whole thing more interesting.
And I too am sorry sorry for my first all OOC post

Hackdirt, Earon

The young Breton messenger approached Earon again, he was still afraid of him. "Sir, the Fighters Guild has mobilizied." He managed to say, the young boy was looking forward to rest. During his trips from Kvatch, Hackdirt, and Fort Ontus, he had rode three different horses, but he hadn't rested yet.

"You've served us well boy; what's you name?"

"Messenger Thane, at your service sir." He responded straightening his posture.

"And the name your mother gave you?" Earon said, without looking at the messenger.

"Jocien Thane... Sir." Jocien was feeling slightly odd, making conversation, instead of taking orders.

"Well Jocien, I want you deliver this message; I want you to tell Zvog that I don't want him to meet us at Hackdirt, I want him to attack Fort Dirich right away."

Jocien lightly sighed, hoping this was the last message. Jocien jogged to the stables, told the stable master that he was going to deliver a new message, than hopped on a fresh horse to deliver his message to Zvog.

Earon walked over to his officers. "Change in plan men; we're taking Fort Carmala, now."

After a bit of silence, an officer spoke up. "What? Karilah and Vilamon said Fort Dirich was the main focus now!"

"Fort Carmala is just up that hill men, I've been looking at it all day, and I'm sick of looking at it."

"But, what about your Mother's orders?" This time it was the same officer that had angered Earon earlier.

"Could you please tell me where my Mother is now?" Earon stepped closer to him, getting face to face with him.

"Kvatch." He said quietly.

"Tell the men what we are doing; we leave before the end of this hour." Earon turned and left the room where all of his officers were.
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Post » Mon May 02, 2011 3:01 am

Fjorkvar Whitebeard, Bruma

Fjorkvar stood at the edge of the highest tier, looking like a true leader for the first time in days. He stood gazing out over Bruma, watching the crowds of people walk the streets. After today the crowds would be less, his dream would be on it's was to realisation. After Bruma he would purge all the land of the filth of the lesser races, making Nords dominant and expanding the borders of Skyrim. Yngling had been preparing since last night, and for one who knew what to look for, it was quite evident. Soon all the people of Bruma would be told to return to their homes, and the lesser ones would be dragged into the streets to be slaughtered. Smiling, Fjorkvar walked briskly towards the castle, before any of this could happen they would purge the dungeons. A small group of soldiers fell in behind him as he entered the castle, reashing the dungeon in moments. The Jailor nodded, leading the way down the stairs and unlocking Ormellius's cell.

The Imperial grunted as he looked up at the guards. The other doors began to be unlocked one by one and slid open, each prisoner standing and looking around bewildered. Before any could mutter a word the guards rushed into the cells, thrusting swords into their torso's, cleaving them with axes. Fjorkvar gripped the dark broadsword at his side, taking a step forward and smashing the flat of the blade to Ormellius's head. He took a step to the side and raising his arms, brought the blade down onto his shoulder, rending the flesh and bone apart, nearly severing the right part of the torso. Fjorkvar dropped the sword, proceeding to pick up the body and kiss either side of the dead mans face. " Hahahaha, soon you will have some friends! "

( OOC: :( Horrible post. I just want to get this over with. )

Captain Tymvaul, Fort Greenwinter

The Legion activity near Chorrol was a curiousity to Tymvaul, why so many at one such location? Tymvaul and ordered a meeting of a few of his officers to find out what exactly was going on.

" Do we have any information on the reason for the Legions movements? "
The officer he spoke to shook his head slowly, " None at all. "

" Well than you had better find out. Send scouts to the vicinity of Chorrol, attempt to infiltrate them with spies. " The Captain tapped the map in front of him, " and send a few scouts in the direction they have been seen traveling. I also wonder of what Fjorkvar wishes us to do, send a messenger to Bruma, godspeed. "
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Post » Sun May 01, 2011 8:45 pm

Road to Fort Dirich

General Arillius and the Legion marched on at their higher pace as they marched to Fort Dirich. Maximus was angry, why couldn't he just stay in Chorrol, and defend it as he was ordered earlier. He had made plans for defending Chorrol, but now he had to make new plans to defend Fort Dirich. The sun shined, and glissened through the leaves of the trees as they continued on to Fort Dirich. Maximus motioned to his scouts.

"Yes General?"

"I want you to spread out around us, and watch for any enemies from Hackdirt. They may try to attack Chorrol while we are on route to Fort Dirich!"

"Yes General."

The scouts made their ways, some going south, east, west, north etc. If Maximus was to defend Fort Dirich he would not be caught off guard by anyone. As they continued on, Maximus ordered one of his messangers.

"Yes General!"

Send a message to General Vallenturas. Maximus while on horse tried his best to write a letter to Vallenturas.

General Vallenturas,

My defence of Fort Dirich is unnessesary if you already had the 1st and 3rd Legions stationed at the Fort. If you continue to move the Legions around, our enemies will have a better chance of catching us without knowing. I'am with great warning, telling you that if the Nords make an attack on Chorrol or Fort Dirich we may not be able to defend it as well as we could have.

General Maximus Arillius

Maximus blew on the paper, and folded it in half handing it to the messanger.

"Give this to Vallenturas personally. We will continue on to Fort Dirich until then may the Nine guide your way."

"Thank you General!"

The messanger trotted off into a quick gallop as the Legion continued on to Fort Dirich.


Commander Garnic and the Legion finished 75% of their defences of Skingrad. They had began working in shifts. It made it easier on the men working, and the less likely they were to get heat exhaustion. The large Tree Trunk Spears had been evenly spaced, and all had been put around. Giant cauldrons had been placed over the Skingrad doors, and could be easily filled with boiling oil. Archers had been placed in well spaced postions that were easily defensable, and easy to shoot from. The last of the pits had been finished, and covered. All the Catapults had been set into range. Everything was going well.

The children in Skingrad followed the Legionnaires as they worked, some even started helping in the defences. Skingrad truly looked like more of a Fortress than a city. Commander Garnic was pleased. He went to his quarters and rested until it was his shift.
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Post » Sun May 01, 2011 6:53 pm

ooc: I'll have a sheet for this one shortly, W00tz.

ic: Va'Rahkshi looked over to the lightly armored Argonian as he came up to his cell, an eyebrow raised and his back leaned against the wall. He and the jailor spoke for a moment, then J'Aiq reluctantly opened the door to let the reptile in. As the man came in, Rahkshi uncrossed his arms and stepped forward to meet him, dark green eyes boring into the orangish yellows of the Argonian, trying to read his intentions.

"Hi there." The Argonian began and the large Khajiit gave a nod and a 'Heya.' "You may or may not know who I am, but I suppose that does not matter, what matters, is I have--" The man paused and looked around at the other prisoners, then back at him. "I have a proposition for you, Mr. Va'Rahkshi" The Argonian grinned, "One that you may find rather interesting.."

Va'Rahkshi smiled and gently brushed a dreadlock out of his face with a flick of his finger. "I see. Well, if it gets me out of here, I'll find it welcome at least, if not interesting. I'm not sure how you compensate a condemned man, though, unless.." The Khajiit smiled a little, "Well, unless you know how to spring me out of here. I've got a mate I'd really love to see again, but dying kinda interferes, as you can imagine."

Again, he tucked one arm under the other against his chest and leaned on the wall beside the man. "You know my name without me knowing yours, so I assume you've done enough research to know my occupation. This assumption withstanding, I'd like to just cut past the pleasantries and get to what you want. I'm gonna guess you want someone's head to take a vacation from their body or something of the like?"
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Post » Sun May 01, 2011 4:43 pm

Laden Jah, Castle Bravil Dungeons

Laden chuckled at the Khajiit's use of vocabulary. Damn, I like him already.... He shook his head, ''No, it's actually the opposite...'' He said, then looked around at the other prisoners once more. This place is not safe enough for discussion..., Laden then walked over to a small bench set up in the far side of the cell and sat down. ''I need a 'package' to be.....planted''
He nodded slightly as he remembered the Assassins other question, ''And yes, I have a way to spring you out...'' The Reptilian man leaned back on the bench. ''You see...'' He started, ''I have close ties with the Town Guard, and Local Justice System. Hell, I practicality have control over them'' He smiled, ''I could bail you out...right now if I wanted to''

Laden then leaned forward, ''But, I can't do that, until you accept the job. Accept it, and I can bail you out'' He said, ''I'll take you to a secure location so my comrades and I can fill you in on the details''
He stood up, and walked in front of the Khajiit, he felt confident that the Assassin would agree to the proposal. ''Tell me Va'Rahkshi...'' Laden said, a small smile forming on his lips. ''Do you accept?''
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meghan lock
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Post » Sun May 01, 2011 5:54 pm


Ja'Rabi grunted as a messenger came into the hall and presented his delivery. "This one is the Lord in Leyawiin! Not the walking fish in the tower. Ja'Rabi will take your message or else you will suffer. The Despot of Leyawiin keeps a tight court, and he will have no treachery." There was something vaguely upsetting to Ja'Rabi about the way people looked to the old Argonian for leadership. Holding this city may be difficult, should Bravil break away in the old lizard's name... Should ANYBODY attack the old man, no matter who, it would be nonsense not to declare revenge in his name. Oh well. For now, this one can hold it.

Sure it was only a message about the Blackcloaks passing the road-block by Telepe, but it was important enough. That action had been ordered by Ja'Rabi himself. A swift invasion of the southern Old Empire would be essential, else the Legions could reform. Luckily Vylarr's men were talented fighters, capable of committing to cavalry and foot manoeuvres in the field, as well as manning ships if needs be. Ships from Leyawiin would wait on the verge of Lake Rumare, just out of Legion range. A hasty retreat by ship across the Niben was an easy enough retreat.

Certainly, the wide southern parts of the West Weald could be used to smash Vylarr in the field. But the Legion's medium infantry and even their lighter archers would be no match for Vylarr's Blackcloaks in the borderlands, all the way from south of Skingrad to the Abecean. If Vylarr could take the southern forts, this one could send the Army of the Niben in behind and secure the country. The 1st and 2nd Renrijra Krin could easily conduct raids on Old Empire settlements with their exceptional light tactics, and Vylarr could handle large units of solid Legion fighters.
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Bryanna Vacchiano
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Post » Sun May 01, 2011 5:45 pm

Fjorkvar Whitebeard, General Garzonk gro-Bogharz, Bruma

With Ormellius taken care of, Fjorkvar walked through the castle courtyard, brushing his beard lightly, a group of men following close behind him, swords drawn. As they came to the tier stairs a trumpet sounded and soldiers began to yell, ushering people inside. They probably all thought the city was under attack, if only they knew the truth of the matter. Seeing him and the guards walking down the stairs, soldiers began to enter houses, with the guards following suit. Fjorkvar simply stood and watched, within seconds the men returned to the streets, dragging people behind them. Man, woman, and child, none were spared. Thrown to the ground, stomachs gashed open, heads cleaved off, smashed with maces, beaten. He began to smile as the massacre ensued.

Garzonk had camped his troops at the side of the road and headed for Bruma immediately. He was still clueless for why exactly he was requested back, but as he neared the gates, his question was awnsered.
Screams could be heard from outside the walls, forcing gro-Bogharz to break into a gallop. Where are the guards from the gates?

Pushing open the wide gate himself, Garzonk was shocked by the sight that met his eyes. Fjorkvar .. ?
Tugging on the reigns he sped forward, heading for Fjorkvar, questions needed to be answered, he seemed to be the man to awnser them.
He would not make it very far today, as he passed the edge of the house a guard stepped forward, ramming a spear into the horses haunches, a soldier grabbing Garzonk and slamming him to the ground.

Fjorkvar watched as the General rode through the gates and proceeded to be knocked from his horse. A soldier brought his sword down across his ribs.
He had no idea why he had ever allowed an Orc to become a General in HIS army, ( In fact none of this had been his plans before the Skoom ) but everyone made mistakes, he had corrected his.
Bruma was cleansed, now he could help the rest of Cyrodil to be rid of these filth. As the massacre ended, Generl Yngling, bloody and panting, ran to Fjorkvar's side. " What now? "

" We burn the bodies, select new Generals, and head to Dalkey by nightfall. "

( OOC: Timeskip about an hour or so. )

Valh?ll of the Valley, ?gmundr, Bruma

Hooves pounding against the path, troops in heavy armor banging against their shields and beating their polearms off the ground, the reinforcements marched through the gates.
A sickly aroma wafted up into their noses as smoke billowed into the sky. Valh?ll had been worried about the smoke rising from the city but ?gmundr had assured him it was merely the collective smoke from fireplaces and the like. Both men now saw they were sorely mistaken. Bodies were heaped in front of the Chapel, civilians went about attempting to mop up the blood from the streets. Two Nords, one hulking man with a white beard, and one heavily scarred, stood about twenty or so yards away, clothes heavily stained with blood. It was assumed the larger one with the beard was Fjorkvar Whitebeard, but why the bodies? Had a secret force snuck inside the city and engaged with the Bruma guard? Valh?ll's questions were quickly awnsered when ?gmundr, perched on a horse to his right, leaned over and explained what he had heard about this Whitebeard. He had been told by a secret informant of Skooma use, and a soldier relieved from duty had related how he had witnessed Fjorkvar's rantings of his idealology. How he wanted to cleanse Tamriel. How he wished to create a Nordic super race. His plans for racial and territorial supremacy. ?gmundr held contempt for Imperials and clearly, Mer, but that was as far as it went. This Whitebeard had taken it farther than any of them would ever attempt. It was not confirmed that he had massacred anyone, but it was more likely than any other possibilities present, and a quick look would confirm it.

" Fjorkvar Whitebeard, lay down your arms, you and any others we deem responsible for the masterminding of the massacre of the citizens of the city of Bruma, will be arrested under the charge of commiting war-crimes and commiting an offence against Skyrim and the Skyrim Republic of Bruma. "

Seven heavily armored and heavily armed soldiers seperated from the group as ?gmundr's voice boomed over the crackling of the burning pile of bodies. Hooves clattering on the stone walk, another seven horseman, including ?gmundr and Valh?ll defected and moved forward as the infantry made a loose, broken circle around Whitebeard and Yngling.

* * * * * * * * * * * *

The reinforcements had arrived! Unfortunately they had the audacity to arrest him for his previous heroism. Fjorkvar had snuck away during the clean-up for another fix of skooma and now once again stood slightly disheveled.

" Fjorkvar Whitebeard, lay down your arms, you and any others we deem responsible for the masterminding of the massacre of the citizens of the city of Bruma, will be arrested under the charge of commiting war-crimes and commiting an offence against Skyrim and the Skyrim Republic of Bruma. "

As the foot soldiers and horseman advanced on him, Fjorkvar quickly drew his broadsword, and after a short questioning look, Yngling drew his mace. This would be a fight to the death, niether was willing to face a trial in Skyrim or otherwise, or at least not Fjorkvar. The General would never dare object however, and he would be proud, dying loyally by his masters side, however drugged out and fanatical he may have become.

" Rather, you try to arrest us, and we cleave through as many of you as we can. "

Fjorkvar snickered and twisted his face into an evil grin. His friend was startled by the monster he had become.

* * * * * * * * * * * *

The two men drew their weapons, standing ready to do battle with the group.

" Rather, you try to arrest us, and we cleave through as many of you as we can. "

Valh?ll thought they were simply mad, All these troops we have, and he wants to fight, just the two of them?

" Very well then Lord Whitebeard. We will have your justice, and you will have your desired ' Glory '. "

?gmundr lifted his hands, motioning quotations with his fingers when he spoke the word glory. His fellow commander lept from his horse, removing his bow and quiver and placing them on the horse, strapping his sword at his side, shield in his left hand, gripping several spears in his left as well, and a spear in his right. A few militia spearmen and two more of ?gmundr's heavy infantry stepped forward as their respective commanders beckoned. Without warning Fjorkvar lunged out at the nearest man, his blow glancing off of a heavy cuirass. The fight lasted but a short while, with the two managing to injure two horses, five men, and killing three others. They were brought down by a blow from a soldiers sword, landing on Ynglings back, with militia darting forward to spear the General through his unarmored neck. Fjorkvar was felled much less easier as Valh?ll finished him after several injuries, engaging him with spears, breaking all but one which he glanced off his rib, finishing him with his family sword.

It boded well that they eliminated the corrupt leader here, but they discovered they had killed a General, with another being killed in the massacre. They were left as acting Generals of the force and left to find a leader to replace the corpse which lay near the northern gate. They heard of a man named Thangbrand Stoneheim in the settlement of Dalkey just down-road from Bruma. He was the " Chief " there and common soldier, citizen, and gentry alike related to the men of his leadership abilities.

" Perhaps he should have been chosen from the beginning. " ?gmundr jested as they prepared to head out for Dalkey, " Maybe then we wouldn't be in this mess. "

Valh?ll had simply nodded, they needed to get things under control before enemies learned of their situation and took advantage.
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daniel royle
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Post » Sun May 01, 2011 7:55 pm


Reynald watched rather bored as the scene unfolded, the Company's soldiers amassing around him in case the Nords tried something. Fjorkvar may have been expecting aid from the Bretons, Reynald couldn't tell that; but if he had, the Nord had learned one important lesson before his death - mercenaries aren't to be trusted. The same men that had been hard at work helping Fjorkvar's soldiers kill the citizens were now standing idly by, watching as the man was killed off by what was supposed to be a reinforcing army. Reynald wasn't that worried about the fate of the Company - the Nords surely weren't so stupid as to acuse mercenaries of loyalty to Fjorkvar, and even if they wanted to, they'd be better off not doing that. In an urban environment, the Company's Bretons were as good as in the open, and a fight would be costly to both sides.

Thus, instead of organizing a retreat, Reynald calmly trodded over to the bloody scene, accompanied by a handful of his commanders - a mixed bunch of Bretons, Nords, Ra Gada and Imperials. The fact the two commanding Nords were obviously preparing to leave Bruma in hate did not disturb Reynald. He stopped a few feet away from them, bowing slightly to signify that, while he was supposedly respected to be in such company, they were evens. The looming cloud of Company soldiers easily visible from Fjorkvar's death spot, amassing beneath the Castle Bruma, did quite a lot to reinforce this unspoken claim.

"Greetings, good sirs. I am very sorry to bother you, however since you saw it fit to cut down my former employer, I'll asume the Nords have no more need for the services of the Anticlerian Company?"

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Post » Sun May 01, 2011 7:42 pm


"Greetings, good sirs. I am very sorry to bother you, however since you saw it fit to cut down my former employer, I'll asume the Nords have no more need for the services of the Anticlerian Company?"

The militia captain moved forward to speak on even terms with who he assumed to be a Mercenary captain.

" Greetings to you also, Breton. I apoligise but that is no decision of mine, it will be up to our new chosen leader to decide. I am under the impression that you are a .. Mercenary? Am i correct in my assumption? If you are, additional payment awaits you, and we will then discuss future payment. "

"Indeed, you are correct, sir, I am a mercenary. And these," Reynald gestured towards the men amassing below the castle. "are my men. Perhaps you will have heard of the Anticlerian Company of the East, for, if I may be so bold, our achievements are slightly greater than those of a usual mercenary band."

"Am I to asume that the additional pay would be for not letting... this... get out of Bruma? Surely it would be most unfortunate for the Nordic Republic if news such as those reached the ears of the other rulers, especially during such a time in Cyrodiil..."

" Rather, the additional pay would serve as a small gift, and to spread the word of this tragedy. Let it be known that Fjorkvar slaughtered innocents of Bruma, and let it be known that he was stricken down before he could carry out his plans to a greater extent. Spread it far and wide that Fjorkvar Whitebeard, leader of the Nords has been killed by one of his known, tell all you can of our predicament, having no leader to rule us. Spread wild rumours of infighting and disarray. This is what I will pay you for. "

"Feigning weakness indeed can be useful. Very well, I will be sure to tell my men not to say a word to anyone about what happened here... knowing them, half will trumpet the news behind every corner and in every bed they visit."

" How can such men be trusted, gossipers, a wenches role. No matter, it suits our purpose and I will simply be sure not to speak freely in their presence. We march for Dalkey very soon, we must be ready in the case that our enemies may choose to strike. Ready your men and supplies, take what you wish from the Inn you occupy, and be ready and waiting outside the city gates in two hours. Your men will take up the rear, though you are free to ride wherever you wish as we travel. "

"'Such men' are only thus because they fight for a living, and are far more reliable than most other soldiery for this. They take what they can outside of battle for this reason as well. But, that does not matter to you, so long as they fight well. The Company will be ready soon, as you instructed. And I asure you, unlike with other mercenaries, you do not have to worry about desertion should things look grim."
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Ezekiel Macallister
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Post » Sun May 01, 2011 8:45 pm

OCC: Sorry if I skipped through the time sequence.

A few miles near Fort Dirtch.

Gerneral Varro was still enjoying the scenery. The calm blue sky, the autum leaves, the chirping of birds, the marching of his troops. This all made him smile. He could tell they were almost to Fort Dirtch.

Within eyesite of Fort Dirtch he let out a puzzeled look. He stopped his horse and halted his men. There he saw fort Dirtch in ruiens. The walls were toppeled, and the woodwork was burned, and the fires were on their last breath. A he called a small group, " Go check the fort to make sure their are no traps." As he saw the men scurry to the fort he yelled, " Check the flanks make sure we are not going to get ambushed!"

After about 10 minutes the group returned. " Sir no traps that we found, the place was just upheaved." " Very well" General Varro replied. He then turned to a messenger and said " Alert Earon of the state of the fort." He then turned to one of his commanders and said " Tell the men to make a temporaray camp and perimiter around he fort. Then he trotted down the hill going into what was left of the fort.
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Johanna Van Drunick
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Post » Sun May 01, 2011 6:24 pm

General Arcturas Vallenturas, Wayshrine of Dibella

Arcturas read the letter with a scowl on his face, his eyebrows basically coming over his eyes, it was so deep. He crumpled up the parchment as he read the General Arillius signature, and tossed it away, rushing over to the hard, smooth stone of the Shrine, calling for another piece of parchment, as he kept his frustration down.

This letter had put more then just anger into his mind. It placed doubt. His General's didn't trust him it seemed, as they questioned his every move now, and as the doubt set into his brain, suspicion began to settle down as well. What was next? Betrayal? Were his General's about to overthrow him so they can take the war inot their hands?

He shook his head forcefully, trying to drive those absurd thoughts away, as he thought of it logically from Arillius point of view. Sending three Legion's to one spot, while leaving Chorrol undefended did seem idiotic, and Arcturas remembered that Arillius had no way of knowing what his real plan was.

He was going to remain at the Shrine for a while, before swinging back north, to the west of Chorrol, just west of the mines near Chorrol. With that, he would keep a low profile, and he hoped he could draw the Nords out of their fort and get them to make a move in the war. He cared little about the events at Hackdirt, knowing his two Legions would clean out the vermin who dared to invade their land.

Once the Nords made a move, he would spring into action, and that action would depend on the Nords move. But for now, he had to send a letter to General Arillius, informing him of the true nature of the moves.

So he began to write:

General Maximus Arillius,

In regards to your letter, I feel I must respond to your concerns before you do anything drastic. My movement is merely a massive feint, as I hope to draw out the Nords from their hole, and make a first fatal move.

I understand your concerns and frustrations however, and I am sorry for making you leave Chorrol so abruptly. I'm sure the men loved that. However, while my focus lies north, the invaders to the west cannot be ignored, and since we have no true count of their forces, I do not want to take risks. Your duty is simple; destroy the invaders, then report back to me for further notice.

You will have the assitance of the 3rd Legion as well, and I doubt any band of raiders will stand against you.

General Arcturas Vallenturas

He blew on the letter, placed it in an envelope, then handed it to the messenger who stood nearby. As the man took off, Arcturas went back to sit with Achille and Knuuk, both who sat eating bits of dried meat and fruits. A small silence followed, before Knuuk spoke up.

"General, what if we are underestimating the force out west?" he asked, throwing caution to the winds, as Achille stared wide-eyed for a second before looking back to his food. "What if a larger force awaits the Legions?" he asked, looking straight at his friend.

Arcturas looked right back, glancing over at Achille before fixing his stare on the Orc again, his face neither calm nor stern. "Tell me, Knuuk gro-Malorg," he started calmly, "Do you not trust me?" he asked, almost to calmly. "Do you not think I have weighed every move we have made, and thought of every possible consequence, as well as every possible gain from every bloody move we have made?" he went on, his voice rising a little, drawing curious looks from those around the group.

"Do either of you understand the stress one in my position is under? I make one mistake and a thousand men could die, or a city could be burned to the ground, or I could find myself against three differetn nations at once." His voice was almost yelling now, and he was atanding up, looking into the massive Orc's eyes. "I doubt you do, good Orc, because you are not in my position, and never have been so therefore you cannot understand." he finished, his voice dropping suddenly for the last few words, as he sat back down.

He took a large piece of the salted meat and tore into it, his eyes fixed on the ground, as the area around him had become rather quiet. He looked up, seeing Knuuk staring at him, but not with anger. Arcturas couldn't place what it was, but it was almost sympathetic and perhaps.... disappointed? Arcturas suddenly felt rather ashamed of how he had treated his friend, but he was never good with awkward apologies.

He just shook his head weirdly, and stood up again. "We march north in an hour!" he called, as the message was passed around the camp, as he sat down agian, pulling a map towards him, more to make it look like he was doing something then anything, as the camp broke out into conversation again.

Captain Borillus, Northeast of Fort Dirich

The Captain didn't know how to take this new development. Now any army had swooped down and had occupied Fort Dirich from behind them, and he began to feel the pressure now as he realized he was surrounded, and the other Legion that was coming down hadn't been spotted yet, though he was sure they were close. The idea of being surrounded didn't sit well with him, and he was starting to panic a little.

He turned to the scout, and spoke quickly. "Go find the men who wre supposed to reinforce us. They shouldn't be far now." he ordered, as the man saluted and took off quickly. He turned to another one.

"You go scout out the force around Fort Dirich. Numbers, troops, and if they have a fortified camp around it or not. Go!" he barked as the man saluted and ran off as well. Captain Borillus sighed and went back to his tent to study some maps to pass the time.

(OOC: BGurksy, if you could PM me a rough number of your troops and their type, along with any general defenses might scout me see when he gets there.)

High Chancellor Ocato, White Gold Tower

Ocato's eyes widened as he listened to the news of Hackdirt, and his mind raced. His enemies had made the first move, and he smiled widely, as he clapped his hands together.

"Bring what men you have then to investigate it." he ordered excitedly, his mind racing still, as he got an idea. "Travelling with you shall be a contingent of Battlemages." he said, thinking proudly of that elite group of fighters he had trained. "A hundred of them shall go with you, but will break off to find General Vallenturas." he said, walking away quickly without finishing the conversation. He went up the high tower to his quarters, and locked his door as he entered his room.

He went to a small ruby, and grabbed it tightly, his mind finding the connection with the Captain of the Battlemages. Captain Illund. he said telepathically.

At first there was nothing, but then he felt a presence as a response came into his mind. Yes? said a rather raspy voice.

Our enemies have moved against us, and I have need of your talents. Send a hundred of your men to Chorrol, with a small group of soldiers already heading that way. Once there, meet up with General Vallenturas, whereever he might be, and aid him however you can.

As you wish. the came the simple response before the connection was broken, leaving Ocato in his room, with excited thoughts swirling through his mind.
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Farrah Barry
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Post » Sun May 01, 2011 4:16 pm

[deleted will fix whole thing later]
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Devils Cheek
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Post » Mon May 02, 2011 2:20 am


Reynald bowed slightly, then turned around on his heel, his commanders following suit. As they hurried up the street towards the castle, the Anticlerian issued out orders hurriedly:

"Take whatever food and drink you may need, but ensure no alcohol whatsoever for the common soldiers; officers can keep a bottle each, no more no less, I'll check on that myself. Load everything up into carts, I've seen some around the inns and shops; I trust the owners won't protest if you show with force of some twenty armed men. Purchase some oxes," He tossed a pouch of money to one of the Bretons. "But not too high a price; show in force there as well to ensure the owners won't try to haggle. And make them swear on pain of death they won't tell a word about this to the Nords; let them think we bought the animals, and if we'll have the other side of the deal with us, they won't be able to do much without force of arms. Prepare for a couple of weeks ahead, ransack all the taverns in the city if you need to."

"Once you have all the things we need, tell the men to pack up the usual load. This'll probably be a long one without any attacks, so as usual, take the pikes apart. Every man is also to have food and water for three days each on his person, as well as parts of tents distributed amongst five men each tent; the usual order. Get them up into a march order with arbalesters in the middle, have the infantry on their sides; jinetes will be the rear and vanguard, I want you at the very rear with seven hundred of them, Eric, have three others with you as well." Reynald spoke over his shoulder to a Nord, who seemed a bit unlike the Nords of Bruma - well built, but also toned and without the air of a fierce, nearly mad warrior. "Gaston, you take the front with six hundred, the rest will accompany you as well except for Arthus. I'll ride before you with a hundred jinetes, closer to the Nords. I want patrols running through the line making sure everything's in order periodicaly, one of you will ride along the troops every half an hour from the front, and every two hours one from the rear, take some ten-twenty jinetes with you as well just in case."

"Arthus, you take another hundred jinetes and watch after our supplies, you'll be between Eric and the main body. I don't want anything to get lost, I'm expecting an acurate and careful list with all our supplies presented to me before we leave, and another one every time we make camp and yet another when we leave it. Any meat or water mysteriously disappearing along the way or during stops will be on your shoulders, which won't be carrying your head for long if things like that happens." One of the few Imperials in the group nodded, biting his lip silently. The man seemed a bit rougher than some others in this group, and clearly was of the type to celebrate with his men on any occasion. Reynald knew, however, that Arthus was reliable, so long as you made sure he knew what's at stake, that being why he stressed the fact he'd be swiftly decapitated if something went wrong. In actuality, Reynald wouldn't have carried out anything remotely as cruel, however so long as everyone believed he would, things went swimmingly.

"Now, hurry up and get things done, anyone who falls behind will be left there without hesitation. If you need me I'll be in the inn." Trying to get that nap I wanted so much. The Breton bit his lip, watching from the corners of his eyes as his officers swiftly dispersed into various streets that branched off the main one. His temples were beginning to throb slightly, and all he wanted now was a quick nap he didn't manage to catch earlier. He was confident he wouldn't sleep in, as Reynald had a rather wonderful biological clock, yet knowing that it was better to be safe than sorry, he tossed a coin towards the (rather frightened) innkeeper, grumbling over his shoulder as he climbed up the stairs:

"Wake me up in roughly one and half an hour. And pack up five bottles of Bretic, I know you have around that much left down there, I saw it last time I was in the cellar. Also something hot, meat if you have any left." He added a bit louder, remembering that he hadn't eaten anything since the meeting with Fjorkvar.

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Dina Boudreau
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Post » Sun May 01, 2011 6:56 pm

Laden Jah, Castle Bravil Dungeons

Laden chuckled at the Khajiit's use of vocabulary. Damn, I like him already.... He shook his head, ''No, it's actually the opposite...'' He said, then looked around at the other prisoners once more. This place is not safe enough for discussion..., Laden then walked over to a small bench set up in the far side of the cell and sat down. ''I need a 'package' to be.....planted''
He nodded slightly as he remembered the Assassins other question, ''And yes, I have a way to spring you out...'' The Reptilian man leaned back on the bench. ''You see...'' He started, ''I have close ties with the Town Guard, and Local Justice System. Hell, I practicality have control over them'' He smiled, ''I could bail you out...right now if I wanted to''

Laden then leaned forward, ''But, I can't do that, until you accept the job. Accept it, and I can bail you out'' He said, ''I'll take you to a secure location so my comrades and I can fill you in on the details''
He stood up, and walked in front of the Khajiit, he felt confident that the Assassin would agree to the proposal. ''Tell me Va'Rahkshi...'' Laden said, a small smile forming on his lips. ''Do you accept?''

Va'Rahkshi tilted his head a little to the side at hearing of the nature of the contract. "Something more sophisticated than go to location X and strangle person Y with his own intestines? I like it." He smiled and leaned against the wall again, "Seeing as you appear to be my only chance at survival, I'll accept.." The Khajiit raised one eyebrow and smiled, "..on one condition. I want my affects back. All of them. You can find them, I imagine, in a sack in the jailor's office. I think he intended to keep it all after they dangled me."

Pushing off the wall, Va'Rahkshi walked over to Laden and gave him a small smile. "So, you do that for me, and then we'll talk business some more once I've got my things back. Sound good?"
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Post » Sun May 01, 2011 10:41 pm

Laden Jah, Castle Bravil Dungeons

Laden stood waiting for the Khajiit's answer, he nervously tapped his fingers on the side of his thigh. Va'Rahkshi then looked up, "Seeing as you appear to be my only chance at survival, I'll accept.." The Khajiit raised one eyebrow and smiled, "..on one condition. I want my affects back. All of them. You can find them, I imagine, in a sack in the jailer's office. I think he intended to keep it all after they dangled me."

Laden felt relieved at the answer, and gave a simple nod. The Assassin then walked up to him, "So, you do that for me, and then we'll talk business some more once I've got my things back. Sound good?" Laden smiled back, ''Yes of course'' He answered.

''Except...'' He paused, ''I lied about being able to bail you out right now, tomorrow I'll be able to 'chat' with some of the Judges, and higher-ups in the Justice System. I'll be back tomorrow at midnight.'' At saying that, the Argonian shook the wanted Assassins hand, then left the cell.
J'Aiq hastily shut, and locked the cell once Laden left. The two, then walked out of the dungeons. The Khajiit Captain immediately questioned Laden, ''How can you trust this scum?'', The sentence filled with spite. His compadre gave him a reassuring look, ''I know assassins inside and out...'' He stated with a sly grin. ''They don't fancy being locked up like animals, and will do anything to get out of there, not sure why, maybe it's because they're private people, or....''

J'Aiq groaned nervously, ''I hope you know what your doing...'' Laden patted his hand on his old friend's shoulder, ''Don't worry, I have somewhat of an Idea'' He said jokingly, then heartily chuckled. J'Aiq seemed to not find it funny, he gave Laden a strange look before saying, ''I'll be due back at the Barracks'' Laden nodded to him, and the Feline man walked off, mumbling something about his paperwork.

Laden was now alone, he looked around the Great Hall thoughtfully. He felt unnaturally excited, it never really happened that much. He sighed, then rubbed his palms together as he remembered his scheduled meeting with that Dunmer. What was his name? Raynor? Oh well...
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Post » Mon May 02, 2011 12:35 am

Reydin Talaani, The Lonely Suitor Lodge, Bravil

Reydin retired to his room, key and envelope in hand. He counted the doors as he passed them. The barkeep had said 'the third door on the right.' When he had reached the third door, he insterted the key, jiggled the doorknob a little as the barkeep had said, and pushed the door open. The room was not lavish; it was simply a bed, nightstand, and a small lamp.

Reydin sat at the side of the bed, and carefully opened the envelope. Out of it he procured a large letter, and a map. On the map a small mark was placed near Bravil's Fighter's Guild building, marking the small house where he would be going the next day. Reydin turned to lay on his back, and started thinking about how he would convince Laden to join his cause.

Gen. Capricus Fyuron, Cheydinhal Military Camp

General Fyuron did not seem so mad today. In fact, he seemed a bit... happy. A hint of a smile even appeared on his usually grim face. His happiness was in part caused by the good news he had recieved about how their operative had been making progress, but that had not lifted him up enough to warrant a smile. The true reason he was simling was the book he held in his right hand as he walked toward the southern barracks.

As Capricus entered the barracks tent, a good fifty or so of his best soldiers immediately stood up and formed ranks and files, fixed in their hard saluting position. Capricus forced his smile away, and kept a straight face as he walked along the rows. "It has come to my attention," he began in his booming voice. "That a certain few of you have been... actively reading. I have nothing against this, so please do not fear any punishment or even a slap on the wrists. I simply wish to know who among you have been reading this particular..." Capricus cleared his throat as he raised up the book in his right hand for everyone to see: The Lusty Argonian Maid. "Novel."

Several chuckes and snickers coul be heard deep within the crowd of soldiers. Not a single voice, however, spoke up to claim their book. "Nobody?" Capricus asked his men. "Nobody will step up to claim this fine work? Surely this is a classic article of fiction; Crassius Curio is a well-known member of the Hlaalu house and an established author," More muffled laughs came from the crowd, and Capricus let his men see the first, tiniest hint of a smile on his face.

"Well then," he continued. "I already have this excellent book in my possesion, and it would seem a shame not to share some of its fine words with the rest of us. I think, maybe, I will read an excerpt." A roar of appluase and cheers came from the formerly civil crowd of disciplined soldiers. By now, a full blown grin appeared on Capricus's face, and he scanned the crowd, looking for the one soldier who was not cheering. His eyes rested on one mer, whose mortifyingly red face betrayed him. Capricus's grin grew ever wider, and he opened the book to a page he had previously selected for this very purpose.

The General began reading: "Act I, Scene II: Tiber Septim's Chambers..." more laughs came from the crowd.

"Lifts-Her-Tail: Your Majesty, my deepest, deepest regrets.

Septim: Oh, nevermind dear cherib. (He hastily throws an evening robe on.) [A pause] Perhaps oh Flower, you may lend aid to the Empire. For days, I have consulted with mages, physicians, and courtesans, but alas, my sword cannot stand up and has the penetration power of a rotting, damp swamp reed." Half the soldiers were buckling over with laughter, and Capricus slowly made his way over to that one red dunmer as he read:

"Lifts-Her-Tail: Does thou speak of what I believe?! Should you not consult a smith?

Septim: No crucible is so purifying, no forge blazes so.

Lifts-Her-Tail: You flatter me! You are the Emperor of Tamriel, whilst I am a mere maid.

Septim: Ha! You are more than that! I can feel that familiar stir! Come! Bend your back to the task, melt me in your crucible, and bring down your blows!

Narrator: Some hours pass, amid cries of "O Tiber!" and "You strike harder than the orc smiths!" dominate the stage." At this point, Capricus was face to face with the red-face mer, growing more crimson than ever despite his naturally dark skin." Capricus went on, and instead of looking at the book to read, he stared into the dunmer's eyes, which looked on the verge of weeping.

Lifts-Her-Tail: [a deep breath]...Your sword is far more sharp [another breath] ... and penetrating than your brother, though your son is as a mounted Nord lancer!"

End of act one, scene two." Capricus said softly as he closed the book and looked at the soldier in front of him. "Private," he began, smiling as he looked at the mer's badge to see his rank. "Is this your book?"

The private swallowed a humongous lump in his throat and spoke up. "Y-yes, ss-sir." He looked shamefully at his own feet.

"Well, soldier," said Capricus reassuringly as he handed the private the book. "You have excellent taste in reading material." The Private took the book, mortified. Capricus left the tent with a huge grin on his face.
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Post » Sun May 01, 2011 7:57 pm

Elindrin was about to ask Ocato when he was to depart. but Ocato hurried off before he could say a word. Elindrin hoped this battlemage would explain things.

Elindrin turned and walked through the marble corridors of the Imperial Palace. His steps echoed through the empty corridors. Elindrin remembered the palace being much busier before the Elder Council Split. Finally, Elindrin came upon the great gold embossed wooden doors that led out of the Palace. One of the Guards bowed and held open the door.

Smelling fresh air again, Elindrin walked towards the Market District where he purchased an expensive amulet for Jolten to Enchant. The boy seemed to have a knack for it. Hopefully he'd enchant it with a Necromancy Spell though, Elindrin would lose his few remaining Marbles if his Son studied one of the sissy schools. Exiting the shop, he went to the shiney gem, a well known Jewelary shop. Walking in, he took the ruby ring from the Jeweler. He was going to have to propose to Taarfire now, he had planned a suprise Vacation in a week. But the War put a stop to that. Not very romantic, through neccisary.

Walking in the door, Elindrin noticed Taarfire practicing her illusion spells. Seeing as how they were 5 Taarfires there. "Where's Jolten?" Asked Elindrin.

"In his room, resurrecting dead Frogs." Replied the Taarfire's in chorus. Then, 4 dissipeared.

"Excellent. That's the kind of initiative he needs." Beamed Elindrin.

"Just kiddin' to get your hopes up. His in the Market Place at Discount spells buying some new Restorations." Continued Taarfire.

NOOOOOO!!!!!!!! Screamed Elindrin in his head. Looking at the Amulet in his hand, he narrowed his eyes.

"Here Taarfire." He said "This is for you". Handing her the Amulet origionally meant for Jolten.

"Put it on the Table. I'll check it for Traps later." Taarfire Mumbled.

"Besides that matter, I have something to tell you." Elindrin said, becoming serious.

"You're Pregnant? Oh, Snap" Laughed Taarfire.

"Nay. I'm leaving with my Troops for chorrol in the coming days. We're scouting out enemies who have attacked Hackdirt. I don't know when or if I'll return." Continued Elindrin. Then he got down on his knees, looked up at the now confused looking Taarfire and brandished the ring from his pocket. Holding it up, he looked at Taarfire and Asked "Taarfire,will you marry me?"

Taarfire stared at him stunned for a moment and then uttered quickly "Yes, of course!".

Elindrin moved forward and placed on ring on her finger. Then Elindrin stood up and hugged her. They stayed that way for a long time. Then Elindrin looked at her and said "I have to go and get the troops ready to leave. Be ready for my return. I love you." Elindrin turned and left, not wanting to make their parting last any longer.


The Rest of the Day was spent with much preperation by Elindrin's forces. Wagons were prepared. They certainly couldn't leave today. So Elindrin helped as much as possible with prepartions while waiting for word from the battlemages.

OOC: Just so that you know, Elindrin's fort is where Fort Nikel should be.
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Matt Terry
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Post » Sun May 01, 2011 12:24 pm

?gmundr, Valh?ll of the Valley, Streets of Bruma

?gmundr didn't entirely trust this Breton, and upon voicing his concerns to Valh?ll shortly after the Mercenary left, they had decided to post guards on the stores and increase the forces inside the city until their departure.

" Watch him closely, and seek out laborers and a small number of masons to travel with us. " Valh?ll relayed to his fellow commander as he mounted his horse. The masons were to be used to restore Forts and permanent strongholds should it be deemed necessary, Valh?ll did not intend to do much though, reasoning for why he had requested few. " Me and my men shall gather supplies, pack animals, and transportation. Meet me outside the Easternly facing gate once you have assembled the laborers. "

Reaching for the sword hanging from Valh?ll's horse, ?gmundr inquired, " May I? " He nodded as ?gmundr unsheathed the sword, making slashes, pokes, and glides across the snow, displaying the positions they would travel in.

" First, we begin with your scouts scattered to the front of us, with about Ten spread wide behind us, and columns of your "Pargran Riders" midway between the main force and the scouts. Then come Three columns of each group of cavalry under your command, one column of each will ride behind the Bretons. Then will come Three columns of your spearmen and three columns of my Heavy Infantry, who will also travel behind the Bretons. Our archers will collectively form behind these columns in addition to the crossbowmen. Behind these come the Pikemen. "

" Yes, but ?gmundr, a few revisions. At regular intervals will be Fifteen Infantry followed by ten Archers on the flanks, with Cavalry forming thin lines along out flanks, ONLY our flanks, let the Bretons guard themselves. As for the men mentioned to follow behind our mercenary friends, the spearmen will march in lines with space enough for Cavalry to easily pass through, your heavy infantry behind in similar lines and along the flanks of our rearguard. The Cavalry will form in columns that can easily split and head forward through the lines of our Infantry. If this is agreeable to you I will distribute these plans to my officers. "

With a nod, the two men parted ways to carry out their duties in preperation for the march to Dalkey.

Anvil Docks, Anvil

Achel worried, for few weaks now, he had heard reports of ships from Hammerfell falling victim to storms and pirates recently.
Only one had made it through intact so far, with only one other making it near Anvil before sinking due to a gaping hole in its hull.

The averagely built Redguard stood on the docks, leaning up against a crate as he reviewed reports of this months losses.

Turdas, Merchant ship raided and scuttled by pirates, remains found off the coast of Rihad.
Loredas, Cargo ship lost in a storm, grains and other food stores lost, Twenty survivors paddled ashore in a small boat.
Sundas, Cargo ship lost in ongoing storm, many food stores, and 10 months soldiers pay lost.
Morndas, This storm again, two average ships filled with horse feed lost.
Fredas, Immigrants from Hammerfell slaughtered by Pirates and Bandits.
Tirdas, Very small Merchant ship, and medium Cargo ship collide, other Cargo ship ran into rocks trying to escape attacking pirate ships.

Pirates, storms, and just plain bad luck. Men would go unpayed, horses would starve, the states wealth would suffer, and overall morale would drop.
Achel placed the parchment into his pocket and rubbed his temples, " I need to relax. " He muttered to himself before heading off to The Fo'c's'le.

[ Effect: 500 Men desert, Citizens lose faith in their leaders, Morale among the soldiers takes a hit, 400 Horses die due to starvation, approximately 230 families are either driven into poverty, or are left with half rations. ]

Weye, West of the Imperial City

Looking out across the field, Tininnus saw decaying crops and other plants, and farmers, sitting around blank faced, stunned by recent developments.
A new strain of disease, one that decimated farmers crops, had swept across the rural areas of the lands currently controlled by The Old Empire. The disease had been named " Airbelly " by locals because " When Airbelly comes, that is about all you have in your belly. Air. "

Local alchemists and farmers speculated it had evolved from other diseases affecting different plants, before striking their fields.
All that survived was farms near Chorrol, including the Odiil Farm, the Vineyards of Skingrad, and a small plot of farmland near Aleswell. Tininnus was a hard working farmer born to hard working farmers, who were in turn, born to hard working farmers. For years they toiled the land and now he had nothing left to toil.
It was the 14th day of Frostfall, and winter would soon descend upon them, something would need to happen if they were to make it through the winter.

[ Effect: Loss of food, will be required something is done for long-term survival, for the moment the farmers are disheartened, and the economy has taken a small hit due to the farmers being unable to trade. ]

( OOC: A new idea i am implementing, how is it? I know right now the two factions who will be biased against liking it but... Yeah. Picked at random, could have very well happened to me. )
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Kat Lehmann
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