This mod adds travel service providers in various places around Cyrodiil, generally near major cities. Fast travel is still available as normal but these services exist for those who don't like that and prefer to take their trips in a slightly more immersive way. The travel service is relatively cheap, anyone should be able to afford it. The operators are all heavily armed to provide a safe, secure, and enjoyable trip to your destination.
If you should decide to kill one of the operators, be warned that they are rather tough, will put up one hell of a fight, and they *DO NOT RESPAWN*. Once dead, they stay dead. Period. It's also unlikely they'll take kindly to being robbed

Official Oblivion Patch
OBSE v0019b or higher:
Unpack the contents of the archive into your Data folder.
Activate the mod using your favorite mod manager, or through the Oblivion launcher.
BAIN recommended for easy management, though there should be no overlaps to worry about.
If upgrading from 1.3.1 or older, remove the BSA file as 2.0 onward will no longer ship with one. BSA real estate is getting scarce, and this mod really didn't warrant needing one.
Load Order
If using Open Cities Leyawiin Reborn, the mod needs to load prior to that. Otherwise it likely doesn't matter.
This mod should be compatible with just about everything. It does not alter quests, nor does it alter existing NPCs. It only adds new ones. Their AI schedules should take them inside the cities to eat, but as long as someone hasn't destroyed the taverns they frequent, there should be no problem. No landscape was altered, and no outdoor path grids were changed. This should eliminate a major source of headaches with other mods.
I've tried to make use of the existing stables where possible. Sometimes even assigning sleeping quarters inside the stable buildings because there was not enough space outside to fit their whole setup. This was especially tricky in Bravil, to the point where Ciingail had to have her stuff placed on the deck of the stable building itself.
There will be overlap in purpose with the Cyrodiil Transportation Network mod. I began work on mine a long time before realizing that one existed, but continued on with mine after realizing I wasn't entirely happy with the other one. Not a knock against the author, just that I wanted something a bit different, and wasn't interested in the mage guild parts. As long as you're willing to overlook there being more than one land based transport provider in each location, we should compliment each other nicely.
No textures or meshes were added, everything placed is vanilla content. There should be no reason for a compatibility problem with anything that replaces them.
This mod is fully compatible with Open Cities Classic, Open Better Cities, and Better Cities.
Future Plans
Possible addition of sea routes. Don't know if that's terribly important and it would cause some headaches as far as path grids since boats are considerably larger than a horse, cart, and some miscellaneous clutter. Also harbor real estate is not so easy to come by these days.