There are a few options you can devise to solve this issue, to keep it simple you could have a popup slide up and say "press x to vote" while this will typically make everyone vote on every single vote it might cause problems. It might be a false accusation and giving everyone the option to just vote, some might just slam yes/no to get it out of the way without a moments notice. To keep it more "I vote if I care" as it is now, the option could instead be something that is brought up when you hit escape, or even devising a menu to select which player you wish to kick.
A solution to the "strange names" would be to also have each player be able to be kicked by either his name, or the player slot number that they hold.
IE: sever has 16 slots. I want to kick player number 12 his name is cheaterX
Votekick #12
Votekick cheaterX