Cytek Votekick to be made a UI feature

Post » Sat Mar 12, 2011 9:21 pm

Let's face it for those who know how to votekick, can do so on an easy basis. Calling the votes however typically do nothing because more the half of the playerbase have no idea about the feature, or even know how to use it. When each time a votekick is called someone says "How do I vote?" saying enter console and type vote doesn't clear everyones head smoothly.

There are a few options you can devise to solve this issue, to keep it simple you could have a popup slide up and say "press x to vote" while this will typically make everyone vote on every single vote it might cause problems. It might be a false accusation and giving everyone the option to just vote, some might just slam yes/no to get it out of the way without a moments notice. To keep it more "I vote if I care" as it is now, the option could instead be something that is brought up when you hit escape, or even devising a menu to select which player you wish to kick.

A solution to the "strange names" would be to also have each player be able to be kicked by either his name, or the player slot number that they hold.
IE: sever has 16 slots. I want to kick player number 12 his name is cheaterX
Votekick #12
Votekick cheaterX
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Post » Sat Mar 12, 2011 6:45 pm

WTB F1 yes... F2 no.
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Post » Sat Mar 12, 2011 11:02 pm

WTB F1 yes... F2 no.

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Chantel Hopkin
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