Chaos is not held by barriers, unlike stasis. To see beyond one's holdings is elementary to the children of the padomaic, my dear SL.
Perhaps, though there are certain limits. Chaos does not tend to zero-sum. It is reliably, even predictably DESTRUCTIVE, and so inherently self-limiting. Unlike stasis, which simply is, and in fact above a certain threshold, tends to be CONSTRUCTIVE, because of WHAT is, and thus may choose to be, and to become, which is contrary to certain popular assumptions about an idle mind, though stasis does not necessarily imply static in as much as it can also be state.
Certainly to see beyond one's holdings in the sense of self-identity is essential to ascend beyond mere occupation and unfocused impulse, being derived and experienced internally, external merely serves as circumstance, for the sake of appearances, or personal taste, perhaps, and a means to the end result of our intent to become something greater, by more than merely multiplying quantity but also, for improving QUALITY of being.
But in the sense of say the ABSENCE of holdings, even of essential, the musings of the greedy man can be more difficult to discern. Why should we be made subject, we may ask ourselves, to such a wanton waste of precious altruism, love, and creativity? Perhaps it is the inverse of the test? Vanity in attachment to entitlement as much as ownership?
Or, divines forbid, perhaps we have come to consider intellectual work alone without some immediate and quantifiable product to be akin to "laziness," in which case we need not blind ourselves with clarity to be lobotomized, for we have already cut out our own heart and soul, as it is absolutely possible for the absence of enough of what is in abundance externally to become exclusive to experience within of essential self-expression and thus, emergence.
Unless one learns to live hypothetically, but then who are we fooling? How can we ever be scientists, and if science is in our nature, how can we ever be sane?
Peryite represents the Godheads latent self-doubt, manifest in the soon-forgotten mortal plane, which was initially populated exclusively by lawyers.