I have a thread going about bringing in three daedric races Dremora, Aureal (Golden Saints), and Mazken ( Dark Seducers) as effective allies of the humans against the Aldmeri Dominion in a Second Great War. For the sake of this discussion, we will assume that this idea is implemented and that they are added as playable races.
Further, we will assume that one condition for each race was that territory would be granted to each race from conquered Aldmeri Dominion territory as part (or all) of the compensation for their aid against the Aldmeri Dominion. Each race may receive control of a minimum of one city and maximum of one province. The races are Aureal, Dremora and Mazken.
For the poll question, if you think you would never be interested in playing a daedra, then skip the poll question and you can say that you would never be interested in playing a daedra in your post.
Which, if any, of the daedric races would you be interested in playing?
What territory should be granted to each of these daedric races and why? (None is not an acceptable option for this thread. Each race must receive some territory.)
As to actually fighting the Aldmeri forces, for this thread we will assume they are based in allied territory and not opening portals/gates directly into Aldmeri controlled territory. They start with the human forces.
What would be the best way to employ these forces against the Aldmeri Dominion?