I'm trying to complete this quest
I'm having really bad trouble trying to find - Rimerock Burrow!

I've searched lots of clips on youtube but none of them help!

I feel like banging my head against a brick wall right now!!

All the clips I came across on youtube just seemed like, as soon as they exited the first cave, they all then did fast travel to Rimerock Burrow. But I just do NOT understand that at all!

I cannot do this yet as I have to find it first.
Can anyone help me please, and give me really good instructions on how to get there from the last place?
If I fail that, then is there anyone who woudln't mind making me a little video please on how to there?
I'm just about to tear my hair out over this right now, as I've searched and searched cannot find this damned place!

I woudl be very greatful if anyone here would be able to help me locate the place, as I've had no such darned luck so far!

This burrow just HAS to be the most IMPOSSIBLE of places I've ever had to search for in a computer game!!

I've found quite a few awkward to get to places so far, but NONE.... as bad as this!

I really hope it's the ONLY one too..... right??
Edit : This is the first time I've posted on here feeling rather down about a quest.

Hope I haven't bothered anyone to much. *sigh!!*