Necromancy should always be conducted late at night, or didn't you know?
Absolute power corrupts absolutely as they say. Think of a child that grows up to be three hundred pounds of pure muscle, and no one ever told him that hitting people was bad. Heck, some of them embody the very things humans call "evil", so they do tend to be stereotypical. Like Dagon, it seems like all he thinks about is destroying stuff, but really deep down he's a nice guy. I hope :blink:
I happen to be very civilized and agreeable. I make such stimulating conversation on these boards, don't I? Relatedly, I've been pondering that aphorism a lot lately and have wondered if someone virtuous enough could indeed wield enormous amounts of power without turning evil.
I mean, while this is a bit of a bad example but, Vivec and Ol' Tiber CHIMed and they didn't go on a murderous rampage killing lots of people. But then again, they had the power to do it and then make us forget about it totally... hmmm.