I think that's the definition of a Daedric Prince and why ideas such as killing them or replacing them are absurd. You can't kill a Concept, a Force, an Idea... (Mr. Creedy, Ideas are bulletproof.)
Agreed. But I am going to say that you can, to an extant, kill a Daedric Prince.
Sheo is Madness. But what is Madness? One can say Madness is mental insanity AND madness as in chaos. Or that Madness is just mental insanity. Ideas and concepts can be changed. They are bullet proof, but not prone to change, now are they? To a mortal on Nirn, Sheo is everything that the mortals think Madness is. But change their mind on what Madness is, and they see Sheo to be that new understanding that you forced on them. That reshapes the Prince, doesnt it?. Doing this again and again over time with an intent to further disfigure the Prince will affect the said Prince and change them unless Princes are absolutes and cannot change AT ALL, or do not change simply because mortal understanding of them changes. Now I am going to say that how mortals see, or dont see, the Princes does change the Prince, and thus this whole thing crumbles. But as it was said once, you kill them if you can turn them into something else first, preferably something killable. Take the big L, Lorkhan(I know, not a Prince, but for the illustration purposes) for example. He is not exactly himself now, is he

? Do something like that to a Prince and presto, you are on your way to killing them... I think.
You have to usurp one, unless you can invent New Age music and market it so that it becomes cosmologically and psychologically ubiquitous to all of creation as a force of nature. Yeah...
Translation? :unsure:
I don't think anyone knows because it's never happened before. Not even Jyggalag was sure what you were at the end of SI. Although if Tiber Septim could become a god I don't see why anyone couldn't become a Daedra, especially seeing how the other Princes have the power to change one another, I don't think transcending a mortal would be as hard in comparision.
Transcending of a mortal is not a problem, be it by mortals choosing or at the whim of the gods, I think. Tiber, Vivec... but they are not Daedric Princes. Daedric Princes have their own speheres and ARE their own spheres and ARE the Idea and Concept that their spheres stand for and are. To be a Daedric Princes, a mortal would need to become a new spehere, a new whole [Spehere+Concept+Idea] or take place of an existing Prince and become that spehere. And thats like, impossible, I think. Now, I want to see how this can be done, if it can be done... would be a fun thing to see. But Daggerfall made a point that impossible is nothing in TES universe, so who knows.