If Daedric armor it's the best then IT should be the last one to learn at max skill not the other way around.. it doesn't make sense .. i never expected the last Armor that needs max skill in smithing NOT be the best one out there.
I just think this is silly ..
I mean, for the Dragon armor i need to KILL a DRAGON to make it , i just need ebony and a daedric heart for daedric armor.
It just doesn't make sense to me.
Am i the only one?
Maybe for light armor it's different but for heavy Armour it's not.
Can any one tell me if Glass light armor is better then light dragon armor? I have a pair of glass gauntlets and the dragon ones are better so maybe light dragon armor is the best in the game for light.
But why is it not for heavy ..
I really think the last skill should change. Either make it so that you can only make the heavy version or the light version, but it should be the BEST armor in the game. Come on it's DRAGON armor !!
If i went on the path of heavy armor i should only be allowed to make the heavy version of Dragon armor but it must be better then the prior one. I mean right now it makes no sense for me to make Dragon armor since Daedric, my current armor is better.
Right now your max skill in smithing for 100 skill points, In an Age of Dragons invading Skyrim , the Mighty Dragon armor, in it's heavy version, is .. USELESS.
I played heavy armor , went for conditioning skill so it weights nothing. At this point i have , almost 100 in heavy armor , i have 100 in smithing , and i was so exited to get the Dragon armor, but now i don't need it cause it's weaker.
I'm shocked , and so disappointed.
The base Daedric Armor is 139 vs 130 base Dragonplate Armor
Daedric Boots 52 vs 48 Dragonplate Boots
Daedric Gauntlets 52 vs 48 Dragonplate Gauntlets
Daedric Helm 66 vs 62 Dragonplate Helm
This is silly ..
Daedric Smithing Requires 90 smithing
Dragon Armor Requires 100 smithing
Daedric Smithing is better then Dragon Armor.