I did include explicit instructions in the MC hint guide on how to adjust the successful crafting award to speed up training for anyone who felt my learning curve was too steep:
Noted and appreciated, however, I'm wondering if there's a way to change: "To simulate the fact that smithing is a highly demanding skill whose learning curve is more difficult than other crafting skills, rewardmod is divided by 3 for smithing projects."?
I don't have any serious objection to the current "grinding" rates for woodworking, cooking, fletching, mining, etc., and I advanced one or several of those skills to a "fairly decent" level in most of my games (and often fit my Dunmer Fortress or other "home" with fine furniture, and a LOT of extra storage crates), but it always seems like you've got to produce enough leather armor to equip the entire Legion before you can work with iron or steel, and I NEVER made it to working with more exotic materials than that (other than an outright "cheat" to test a mod to your mod), LONG after completing both the MQ and Tribunal. In short, by the time you can make them, the weapons and armor aren't even worth your time to pick up to sell.
The /3 for smithing seems to be my biggest "gripe", particularly since you don't even get to start practicing the skill in earnest until you've either bought umpteen levels of training or smelted about 400+ iron and silver ore into ingots, and THEN you've got to grind it for the next couple of months in-game (and hunt down or buy all that Leather) to advance from Leather to Iron. I shudder to think of all the trips back and forth to "off" all of that heavy iron gear for a few meager Septims (merely to free enough storage space to make more), while I've got a collection of Daedric weapons and shields scattered about the place because they're too much effort to sell, and because I have no use for the money. It would be kind of nice to be able to complete the armor set, though, without killing some thousand-year-old wizard with whom I'm on good terms.
Otherwise, I'm an avid fan of the mod, or else I wouldn't be putting effort into a revised TR expansion for it. Of course, if you have any plans on doing so, I'm more than willing to turn it all over to you, but I'd rather do my own than not have it. As it's been said, "the main reason for making mods is for your own enjoyment", so if there's a simple script change for the /3 divisor, I'd certainly enjoy the change. Thanks for suffering through my grumblings.
jyggalag: There's a really nice start of an Oblivion crafting system build into MMM, but it only goes so far. If you could "expand" that, it might be really interesting. The models and textures for the equipment are already in the game, so you only need the raw materials and the scripts to handle the crafting process, and most of the latter can probably be adapted from the MMM component with some "simple" cut-and-paste and editing (It's always "simple" when you're not the one who has to do it). Good luck with whatever you end up trying.