» Thu Oct 06, 2011 9:04 am
Lets start by discussing the Daedric Princes one by one.
Azura is obviously in, and I'd bet good money that you perform a quest for her and receive the Azura's Star.
Boethia is definitely in, with the Goldbrand as his reward.
Clavicus VIle has a shrine in Oblivion, but not Morrowind. His relics are the Masque and the Bitter Cup. Considering he had a part in Umbriel in the novels, I'd doubt he's missing from Skyrim.
Hermaus Mora is another one who took a break in Morrowind and returned in Oblivion, though he's arguably the most interesting of them. He may not be in Skyrim, but he most likely will. I still want to go to his plane.
Hircine is obviously in. Werewolves are his hunters, and werewolves are likely in Skyrim. His reward will most likely be the Savior's Hide.
Jyggalag probably won't be. He's free from Sheogorath I believe, but I don't think there's been enough time for him to have established himself as a Prince to have servants and such, and he really has no reward in the lore to give us.
Malacath will probably be in as well, with the Scourge or Volendrung as his reward.
Mehrunes Dagon will probably be in Skyrim. He's tried to invade Tamriel like 3 or 4 different times, so it's not like losing again has banished him forever. We'll probably summon him for a quest and receive his Razor.
Mephala might be in Skyrim, but I wouldn't be surprised if he isn't, honestly.
^ Same with Meridia ^
I hope Molag Bal is in. His quests are always fun an using him to cure vampirism in Morrowind > the witch in Oblivion. Mace of Molag Bal as a reward.
Nocturnal might as well, depending on if the Cowl will be a big deal again. If not, there's always the Bow of Shadows and the Skeleton Key.
Namira's uninteresting and only offers a ring. I can see her without a shrine.
Peryite is interesting because hes a Prince that looks like a Dragon. Maybe we'll fight him!!
Sanguine should be in with a funny quest for the Rose.
Sheogorath is still a Daedric Prince, and nobody knows the Champion of Cyrodiil took over as him (what a stupid, lore-breaking idea on Bethesda's part) I hope he's in. If not, Bethesda ruined one of the best princes.
I can see Vaermina in or not in. I hope she is though. Her Oblivion quest was my favorite of the daedric quests.
Given them, I think all of them except Namira and Jyggalag get a shrine with a quest.