What Daedric Realm, if any, would you like to see make an appearance in Skyrim? This doesn't have to be as the main plot of the storyline. It can merely be a well designed side quest for some shrine. It can be a part of the main quest of an expansion. It can be THE expansion, ala SI. Whatever.
While I think everyone wants there to be slower paced gaming here and there, I see no problem with the occasional epic storyline.
Personally, as I think anyone could have guessed, I would love to see Hircine's Hunting Grounds come into play. Partly because it isn't too "epic". It isn't flooded with seas of lava, or in-your-face insanity. The large forest theme really sits well with Skyrim, imo.
I also love the potential for the quests. Hircine is known to give his prey a "chance". I could imagine him taking mortals to his realm to partake in an epic hunt. Some of the stronger willed inhabitants of the realm could construct a small town, where they defend against the hordes of Werewolves/bears/boars/lions/etc at night. The player could join either side, and fight for Hircine's amusment. Day and Night cycles would be about, and Hircine wouldn't involve himself until the end, where he'll fight you, ala Bloodmoon.
Imo, this would be the ultimate method of obtaining Hircine's Ring.
Anyhoo, share your opinions. Remember that some realms may not be given full justice at our current technological level. (Such as Moonshadow, imo)
What are your reasons for not wanting any realms? Want a break from the Daedra? Personally, I think they're one of the things that make TES.
I've included names of the realms I can recall, and I've included Sheogorath twice for the two different realms (some say they're the same, whereas some say they're different) - Shivering Isles and the Madhouse.