bliviongate: I also hope for more thorough Daedric shrines, but I think that the shrines and their inhabitants should reflect the Daedra to whom they are dedicated instead of being a cheaply generic mishmash. Not all of the dungeons should be grim and macabre. Azura's shrine should have her Winged Twilights and whatever other lesser Daedra serve her, and should be coulourful, bright etc. Sanguine's shrine should be a revelry of hedonism, luxurious and debaucherous enough to make Hugh Heffner , Lady Gaga AND Boy George blush, and we should at last see HIS lesser Daedric allies and servants. Sheogoraths should reflect a bit of the Shivering Isles, and Auroran and Mazkan should inhabit it, Mehrunes Dagon's shrine should be a house to Valknyaz of The Dremora, certainly, but not every dungeon should be styled after his dungeons. Dagon is not the singular face of The Daedra, nor is his realm the singualr model of Oblivion.

(really it would be awesome if the shrines had portals into the realms of the respective Daedra, and achievement of their quests resulted not only in artifacts, but in significant raises of things like Magika beyond the normal limitations, and spells to summon their lesser Daedra allies.