» Thu Dec 08, 2011 7:19 pm
Not sure about Khajiit, because i think they get bonus with unarmed attacks. But with my Dunmer Assassin, at first it felt like swords and bows are more effective than daggers but as my sneak skill got better, i eventually shifted to daggers and now I am strictly daggers, some times i use sword or axe in off hand but at the moment dagger is my weapon of choice now mainly because of shadow warrior perk.
At first this perk seemed ordinary at best but then i learned to use it effectively. It gives you a fraction of a second window to execute your sneak attack , either one hit or whole combo. Once you get this timing right (that is using ctrl key and then almost immediately either left click or left + right click) you wont be using anything other than a dagger or daggers, specially if you manage to get a full combo out (i.e. right after pressing ctrl key), of which first 2 or 3 attacks will be sneak attacks. I kill dragons in less than a combo, last frost dragon fell dead even before my first combo was over (at level 36). With 100 sneak and shadow warrior perk, i pretty much one shot everything. It doesn't matter if its a frontal assault because 95% of my attacks are sneak attacks anyway, even during a running fight. One or two shotting enemies with shadow warrior perk won't be possible with any other weapon but with daggers........ with daggers its one finishing move after the other with shadow warrior perk
Just make sure to avoid fighting in well lit areas. Indoors you won't have any problem, its only outdoors during day time when you will have some problem using shadow warrior perk effectively against high level enemies but even then you will be able to use this perk effectively at least 60% of the times during a fight, if you are quick.
EDIT: and yes with dual wielding daggers you can get four attacks in a combo, you will be very deadly if you land all of those, although nothing will be left standing after your first or second hit, if you are opening from stealth.