I've just made it to Daggerfall and I'm having trouble navigating around the city. I accepted a random quest to protect some shopkeeper, and I got to the house that I THOUGHT was his - I received a message stating that it looks like the place - but there was someone else there and he said I needed to go north. I'm so confused.. how are you suppose to find things when none of it is named? And how do you learn/buy spells? I finally found the Mage's Guild (after like an hour of roaming aimlessly), joined, but then half the people won't even talk to me and the other half tell me to learn spells but I can't find anyone to teach me.
I'm trying to not let the graphics deter me because everyone says this is the greatest ES game to date.. but holy crap. The world might be huge but it all looks the same to me. :unsure:
Do not ask for directions to NPCs who are residing inside houses. They'll give you the direction, but they can't point the location on your map. If you ask directions for a building in which you are in, the NPC will never reply something like "Well, you're actually in THAT building."

There's a very useful icon, the Eye icon on your interface at the bottom of the screen. (Or you can activate it with either F1-F2-F3 or F4 shortcuts) Under the Observe mode, if you click on people or buildings the game will tell you what you are looking at. For example "You see the Fighters Guild" or "You see Edwinna Yeomcroft". This helps to find quest NPCs or locations.
But in cities, the easiest way to find your way around is to ask people on the street. Keep asking them until they point the location on your map.
On your town map, guilds are in blue, taverns in green and shops in orange.
For quests where you have to protect someone inside a house from attacks, the hostile NPCs will not spawn as soon as you arrive inside the location. You can either wait in real-time, or use the Wait function (Don,t rest or you'll be arrested for vagrancy

If the Mages Guild asked to learn spells before accepting you in, it's probably because you don't meet the skill requirements to be accepted as a candidate.