Yeah, I do like the Odd Blades because it has a lot of shelves. Like I said though, it's just one shop. The favorite I mentioned, Aldingbury in Menevia, has three "incense" shops. Two of which are armorers, so I assume they have a better chance of carrying armor pieces.
You can poke around the you like. Some people have submitted town information and shopping goodness.
My preferred method of collecting armor and weapons is to take it from the local guard. I go to some backwater country, hack up a few civvies, and proceed to slaughter their guards until I am filled to the wagon limit with goodies

Thanks! I'm looking through it right now, and I need to visit the capital of Antiphyllos. I didn't know about slaughtering guards... that could be lulzy. Isn't it the case that if you kill enough guards, your legal reputation loops around to Revered?