I have been playing with my TES3 build for a while now with generally good results. I attribute much of my relatively good fortune to following the recommendations for non-conflicting mods over on http://btb2.free.fr/morrowind.html. I've made a few of my own additions here and there, but the underlying foundation is largely based on BTB's list. And again, I believe that by and large, this has been a good thing...
So I have reached that point in Morrowind where everything is awesome... and way too easy. It's killer for the first dozen or so levels, but by 20 things are really not too terribly challenging anymore. The logical conclusion for me was to move on to the BTB recommended mods that make the game harder! So, I added in Economy Adjuster plugins for Merchants and Crime and was just about to move on to BTB's Game Improvements itself (to be followed by Service Req's and Morrowind Advanced)... when I hit a snag.
Finally getting to the point, I noticed that the Daggerfall Book Collection mod I had also just installed did not seem to be working (it's in generally the same area of BTB's page as these others I'm mentioning, which is why I am just now getting to it, I guess). I tried all of the different versions provided in the download from BTB's site, but none of them seem to add any books to the vendors. I checked Balmora, Ald-ruhn, and both booksellers in the Foreign Quarter, but no Daggerfall Books were to be found.
So, here I am wondering how I could have screwed this up... I mean it's a simple little thing, right? What could I have done wrong? I've tried researching this, but there seems to be very little information about this mod... it's an older one I guess, and it's very difficult to find anything recent on it. It would be awesome just to know exactly what books should be where, but that info is not so easy to come by, either. I did try opening it in the CS, but I'm nowhere near proficient enough in there to do anything but serious harm!
Sorry for the long post. It is my nature, I'm afraid. I appreciate any and all advice I can get on this one... not so much because I really want those books in the game, but more because I want to understand why this isn't working as expected and what I can do to fix it. I do use Wrye Mash and Mlox religiously, if that's helpful.
Thanks all. Hope you're doing well this Monday!