Hello, I'm new to Daggerfall and would like some opinions on my character build:
Name Relvain
Race Dunmer
Class Ranger (custom)
Primary skillsCritical Strike
Short Blade
Major SkillsDodging
Minor SkillsLong Blade
Max hp per level is 12
Special advantagesWeapon expertise: Short Blade
Bonus to hit: Humanoid
Regenerate health: general
Special disadvantagesForbidden weaponry: Axe
Darkness powered magic: Lower magic ability in daylight
Darkness powered magic: Unable to use magic in daylight.
I got both of those because even though the latter renders the prior pointless it still goes towards the "skill advancement for class meter"
Which is currently sitting at average.
Attributes Spoiler
STR: 60
INT: 64
WIL: 53
AGI: 61
END: 57
PER: 30
SPD: 59
LUC: 59
So, how is this build?

Edit* added attributes. Can't believe I forgot to post those!
First, a reminder: Races mean NOTHING in Daggerfall, except for those with resist / immune (High Elves rule). So, unless you choose Dunmer coz *you like them*, you'd be wasting your time. What happens is that the promissed 'racial boni to stats' get overridden by your adjusting the stats in your class sheet, where all stats start at 50.
About skills, they seem fine, except that apparently Lockpicking is kind of glitched (many ppl report that with higher Lockpíck most doors become 'magically locked', requiring you cast a spell to open...
I'd put Medical as Minor, as it is a passive skill (checked whenever you sleep so levels up fast). Maybe Backstab could replace it?
Seems good to me. One hint in terms of disadvantage: I'd get rid of forbidden weapon and get forbidden material steel, then silver, and these would help you get your advance bar more towards easy (dont worry, when answering your questions in the last session of character making you can choose one that says 'ebony dagger' and you start with it!).