Oh, yes, I highly suggest a life of crime, and joining the Theive's Guild. Also, the Mages Guild offers many delivery quests. Of course, the more you avoid the dungeons and monsters, the less you will actually use your language skills. Illusion may also be a helpful school for you.
You didn't say, but are you new to the game? A linguist for a first character would be a very strange choice
Actually, the worst thing about the language skills is that you just don't meet those monsters very often at all. Nymph, centaurian, dragonish, Giantish? Those are very rare enemies. Spriggans, sometimes you find a whole dungeon full of the bastards, and then never again for many characters. Harpy, well, at least there are quests that involve finding them, but the quest also requires you to kill them, so what's the point? Orcish and impish, that's a better choice, as you actually see those with some regularity.
And, of course, there are languages for only 9 of the 40+ unique enemies in the game.